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Showing posts with label kill. Show all posts

Monday, February 17, 2014

Christian Professor Who Had Both Hands Chopped Off by Muslim Mob for Blasphemy Accusation Found ‘Not Guilty’

Posted By Pamela Geller On February 16, 2014 @ 3:16 pm In India: Fighting the Jihad | 33 Comments
More moderates in action, peace, tolerance, interfaith “dialogue”


There. are. no. words. The Christian professor falsely accused of insulting Islam was acquitted of the vicious charge — vicious because in a Muslim country, such a charge will get you killed or your hands chopped off. Which is exactly what happened to this professor. When the accusation was made, a group of Muslims chopped off his hands. He was acquitted of the charge in November 2013; I am just seeing it. One of the accused Muslims in the savage case of chopping off the hand of Thodupuzha Newman college lecturer TJ Joseph won his race in the civic body elections [2].
Backstory here at Atlas: Muslims chop off hands of Christian professor who put “defamatory” question on exam… [3] Sharia (Islamic Law): Jihadis chopped hand of Christian Professor … [4]
Christian Professor Who Had Both Hands Chopped-off for Blasphemy Accusation Found ‘Not Guilty’ (thanks to Sharia Unveiled [5])

Sick Bias - Where is the Report ???

 Professor TJ Joseph -”behanded” by Muslims
Kerala Court hands down acquittal on appeal. In 2010, Islamic extremists accused the teacher of having offended Muhammad. While denying any responsibility, a group of strangers cut off his hand and part of his right arm. After being suspended and then fired by the school authorities, today the teacher was offered his job again.
by Nirmala Carvalho | Asia News [7]
Mumbai, India: TJ Joseph, a Christian teacher accused of blasphemy [8] in 2010, following which a group of strangers cut off his right hand and part of the arm, has finally been acquitted. The court of Thodupuzha in Kerala today heard the appeal filed by the teacher and acquitted him of all charges. A ruling , Sajan George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians ( GCIC ) told AsiaNews, “for which we must thank the Indian judicial system. The case of Professor Joseph was one of the darkest pages in Kerala’s recent history.”


He was found not guilty AFTER they chopped his hands off. This is what happens when full Shari'ah is respected and implemented in any country where Muslims demand Shari'ah. Think it can not happen in America??? Guess again folks. Obama is already helping it along with his 2012 statement "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." THAT statement alone shows Obama supports anti-blasphemy laws against those who dare speak negatively about Islam or Muslims.

Article printed from Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs:
URL to article:
URLs in this post:
[3] Muslims chop off hands of Christian professor who put “defamatory” question on exam…:
[4] Sharia (Islamic Law): Jihadis chopped hand of Christian Professor … :


Sunday, December 23, 2012

How To Flush a Koran or A Facebook Conversation with a radical muslim

How To Flush a Koran or A Facebook Conversation with a radical muslim

Ro*****  shared Iranian American Conservative Party's photo.
14 hours ago ·
Could this be coming soon to a city, county, or a state near you???
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  • Bren****** You first Abdula-Habebb Dumb-Ahhhsss!
    14 hours ago · Like · 
  • May **** this is not a real sign. its photoshopped
    14 hours ago · Like
  • Bren **** No, it is real b/c you can tell at the top right with the "H" in Shariah has the same light on it as the white part of the sign. Plus, if it were photo shopped, then the words would be darker and more crisp on the edges. I have called out several PS pics before but this one is genuine and more so, what these assholes believe.
    13 hours ago · Like
  • May ********
    13 hours ago · Like
  • Bre ****** What's funny is that they are "bold" in there belief of this bullshit and yet they are too cowardly to show their faces...haha?????
    13 hours ago · Like
  • May ***** Noooo it is not like that. The notion of hijab and niqab is presented to women that they are so precious like jewels that its better to hide it so evil men eyes wont touch them. Basically, considering men as animals who cannot control their desires and women ONLY are somehow the responsible for that. And how come this notion is not challenged I have no clue.
    13 hours ago · Like
  • Bre******* If woman are such "jewels" then why to do they take them in open fields and blow their brains out for no reason?????
    In Islam, woman are NOT respected whatsoever and they have very little, to no rights. They can't drive, go to work, go to school and if they are raped they need five male eyewitnesses to prove it. And, to add insult to injury, if they ARE raped, they are stoned to death for adultery???
    13 hours ago · Like
  • May ****** Hahahah, you are mixing things up, allow me to correct your info. 1- although islam is a male dominating religion but it never allows anyone to blow anyone's else brain. this is just afghanistan 2- the driving thing is also not islam thing it is a KSA thing. 3- the 4 witnesses is required for both women and men. if a woman accuses her husband to cheat on her she must provide 4 witnesses and same thing if a man accuses his wife. the idea is not to encourage ppl to accuse each other falsely. stoning to death as horrible it is, is also for both women and men when the accusation of committing adultery is proved
    13 hours ago · Like
  • May ******** I believe the customs and traditions of this region are so strong that it swolled the religion. Despite my despise but to be fair when the prophet came, he came with a motto of change is needed. those assholes who came after him, forgot the original spirit of the religion which is CHANGE and EVOLUTION and instead incorporated the religion within the traditions.
    13 hours ago · Like
  • May ****** islam is completely gobbled by traditions. my personal opinion. i dont have studies to back me.
    13 hours ago · Like
  • Brian P Smyth Mary, you are completely mistaken and you have your story backwards. The so called prophet mohamad was as ruthless and evil as the most hard core radical muslims cutting heads off of American journalist and innocent women and children. This is a religion of hate, death, destruction, tyranny and any other similar acronym. Their book calls for the death of unbelievers and thats a FACT. p.s. I misspelled his name out of sheer disrespect. How about them apples.
    2 hours ago · Like
  • May ****** So sorry that you only got exposure to my people through radicalists. They are ruining it for everyone. And it is our mistake that we are allowing them to take the front seats and only them be in the picture. I hope one day you meet real regular people from the middle east. They are very good people with big warmth in their hearts.
    about an hour ago · Like
  • Brian P Smyth Yes people from the middle east are good people but those who support the koran are part of the radical muslims that riot and kill when a imam claims that an American flushed a koran down a toilet. It wouldnt fit in a toilet unless you tear each page out one by one... which I have done. It takes a long time but its worth it. ps... Yes Im waiting for another killing because of my statements and obama to swoop down and haul me off to prison for who knows how long.... Im an American and have fought for your Freedom to live and speak as you wish but muslims will never give us that same Freedom.
    a few seconds ago · Like