Showing posts with label hillaryshealth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hillaryshealth. Show all posts

Monday, August 8, 2016

PHARMACEUTICAL EXEC: HILLARY CLINTON HAS PARKINSON’S DISEASE “Involuntary movements” and difficulty walking is a form of dyskinesia

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PHARMACEUTICAL EXEC: HILLARY CLINTON HAS PARKINSON’S DISEASE “Involuntary Movements” And Difficulty Walking Is A Form Of Dyskinesia

World NEWS by Instaworld - August 8, 20160


According to pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli, footage of Hillary Clinton exhibiting bizarre behavior is proof that the presidential candidate is suffering from Parkinson’s disease.


Citing his “15 year background in drug discovery and pharmaceuticals,” Shkreli asserts that the videos of Hillary’s strange facial movements and her difficulties with walking are “pretty unmistakable signs of Parkinson’s disease.”

Explaining that a stroke or a concussion wouldn’t explain the symptoms, Shkreli says that Hillary’s walking difficulties are a “cardinal symptom of Parkinson’s disease” and what is known as “freezing gait”. Shkreli adds that he helped develop a drug to treat the problem.

Hillary’s “on-off episodes” are a result of dopamine depletion, according to Shkreli, which is impacting Hillary’s movement.

“We’ve all seen the videos of her kind of making these perplexed facial movements,” says Shkreli, noting that Hillary’s over-reaction to balloons at the DNC was “unusual” because it betrayed an “inability to control her facial movements”.

However, Hillary’s seizure-like behavior in response to reporters asking questions in another clip was even more odd because she “made this involuntary movement for about ten seconds which was truly unusual,” states Shkreli, identifying the condition as a form of Parkinson’s-induced dyskinesia.

“This ia classic symptom….if you showed someone that symptom and said ‘name the disorder’ it’s not a seizure….that is simply involuntary movement, it’s PD-LID, no doubt about it in my mind,” adds Shkreli, concluding that when matched with Hillary’s “freezing gait,” it “explains everything.”

Shkreli emphasizes the fact the he is non-partisan and has given more money to Democrats than Republicans.

Despite his controversial background (Shkreli was once labeled the “most hated man in America” for raising the price of the drug Daraprim by 5556 per cent), his voice adds to the innumerable health experts and doctors who have been asking serious questions about Hillary’s ill health.

We highlighted Hillary’s bizarre behavior and her health problems in a video last week that has since gone viral and received well over a million views.

Suspicions over Hillary’s health have raged in recent days, with the Drudge Report running a series of headlines highlighting her numerous falls and difficulties walking.

In response, media outlets are beginning to characterize questions about Hillary’s health as little more than ‘right-wing conspiracy theories,’ although assertions by leftists that Donald Trump is mentally ill have not received similar treatment.

Other questions continue to swirl, including claims that one of Hillary’ “handlers,” who calmed her during the recent interruption of one of her speeches, carries around a an auto-injector syringe for the administration of the anti-seizure drug Diazepam.

According to Shkreli, the syringe “may be an Apokyn pen, used to treat Parkinson’s,” noting that it was the same color.

“Knowing what we know now, and looking at the above video, it looks like after Hillary seized up like a deer in headlights, the medic tries to calm her down, but was having problems because the Secret Service members on stage were freaking her out,” according to the Ralph Retort.

“The medic must have realized he wasn’t going to calm her down until Secret Service got off stage, so he went up to each of them individually, telling them to go away.”

Twitter users are now calling for Hillary to be given a mental and physical health screening under the hashtag #Hillary’sHealth

Internet Melts Down over Photos of Hillary Clinton Getting Helped Up the Stairs

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REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

by PATRICK HOWLEY7 Aug 20167,808

Hillary Clinton needed to be physically helped up a moderate flight of stairs by her team of staffers and handlers, according to campaign-trail photos that made the rounds on the Internet Sunday.

Reuters and Getty photographs captured Hillary Clinton, 68, struggling to make it up the stairs, either as a result of her fragile body or perhaps because her well-documented brain injuries make it harder for her to transport herself through daily life activities. The photos gained wide circulation on the Internet Sunday. The photos were taken in February as Clinton was campaigning in South Carolina.


Mark Makela/Getty Images


Breitbart News has extensively reported on Clinton’s various health problems, including what could be a lingering brain conditionthat appeared after she suffered a blood cot.

Donald Trump is hammering Clinton for “short-circuiting” when she had to answer questions about her private email scandal, which she clearly did not answer truthfully.

Breitbart’s Alex Swoyer reported in January:

Clinton’s disappearance from the debate stage last month left people speculating that the former First Lady took a long bathroom break, but now a law-enforcement source with inside connections is alleging that Clinton was missing from the stage due to health issues stemming from a previous brain injury.

These long-lasting symptoms stemming from a concussion and blood clot, according to a neurologist, suggest Clinton is suffering from post-concussion syndrome, which can severely impact her cognitive abilities.

All that said, however, Clinton’s campaign maintained to Breitbart News that she is in good health and can serve as President of the United States.

Clinton previously fell on the stairs in 2011:


She also fell in 2009 when she was going to President Obama’s White House, necessitating surgery.

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2016 Presidential RaceBig Government,Hillary ClintonDonald Trumphealth