Showing posts with label gas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gas. Show all posts

Monday, January 18, 2016

Michigan Becomes First State to Welcome Back Sub-$1 Gas... 0.80

Talked about this in great detail on last night show Smyth Radio called it before it happened.
Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio says several stations in Houghton Lake, Michigan have lowered their prices under $1 per gallon, in what appears to be a price war.
According to GasBuddy it appears these stations are currently the first stations in the country to see prices under $1 per gallon in years. As the situation unfolds, it's possible these stations re-raise prices back over $1/gallon. 
78 cents per gallon was recorded at Beacon & Bridge Market while 95 cents per gallon was recorded at the Marathon in Houghton Lake. Prices were verified by GasBuddy after a review of photographs uploaded to GasBuddy's app. 

Iran sanctions: Middle East stock crash wipes £27bn off markets as Tehran enters oil war


Stock markets across the Middle East saw more than £27bn wiped off their value as the lifting of economic sanctions against Iran threatened to unleash a fresh wave of oil onto global markets that are already drowning in excess supply.

All seven stock markets in the Gulf states tumbled as panic gripped traders. London shares are now braced for a second wave of crisis to hit when they open on Monday morning after contagion from China sent the FTSE 100 to its worst start in history last week.

Dubai's DFM General Index closed down 4.65pc to 2,684.9, while Saudi Arabia's Tadawul All Share Index, the largest Arab market, collapsed by 7pc intraday, before recovering to end down 5.44pc at 5,520.41, its lowest level in almost five years.

The Qatar stock exchange, fell 7.2pc to close at 8,527.75, and the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange shed 4.24pc to finish at 3,787.4. The Kuwait market returned to levels not seen since May 2004 as it slid 3.2pc lower, while smaller markets in Oman and Bahrain dropped 3.2pc and 0.4pc respectively.

The Iranian stock index gained 1pc, making it one of the best performing markets in the world with gains of 6pc since the start of the year.

The dramatic moves came following the historic report from the UN nuclear watchdog, which showed that Iran has met its obligations under the nuclear deal, clearing the way for the lifting of sanctions.

Implementing #JCPOA not a detriment to any country. Our friends are happy & our rivals need not worry. We're no threat to any nation/state.

— Hassan Rouhani (@HassanRouhani)January 17, 2016

The Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency issued the landmark document late on Saturday evening, sparking mayhem as markets opened on Sunday, the first day of trading in the Middle East.

The stock markets in Dubai and Saudi Arabia have been plunged into a painful bear market, losing 42pc and 38pc respectively, ever since Saudi Arabia decided to ramp up oil production in November 2014.

Oil prices fell below $30 for the third time last week as traders prepared for the prospect of Iranian oil flooding global markets.

The Islamic Republic has vowed to return its oil production to pre-sanction levels that stood above 3m barrels a day.

“The oil ministry, by ordering companies to boost production and oil terminals to be ready, kicked off today the plan to increase Iran’s crude exports by 500,000 barrels,” the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported on Sunday, citing Amir Hossein Zamaninia, deputy oil minister.

Fears that the Islamic Republic could quickly ramp up production sent Brent crude falling by 3.3pc to $29.43 on Friday - matching lows last seen in 2004.

West Texas Intermediate also slipped back to $29.60, a decline of 4.5pc.

Standard Chartered became the latest bank to raise fears over the oil price by downgrading its outlook to $10, following the likes of Goldman Sachs, RBS and Morgan Stanley.

The price of oil was $115 per barrel 18 months ago until Saudi Arabia greatly increased production to crush rivals in the US and Russia.

Oil price crash means petrol could become cheaper than bottled water

18 months ago a barrel of #oil bought you a bottle of Pol Roger 2004 champagne. Today it gets you Tesco

— RBS Economics (@RBS_Economics)January 15, 2016

The relentless fall in oil has seen prices return to levels not seen since 2004.

Mapped: How the world became awash with oil

Interactive: Oilmapembed


Saturday, November 10, 2012

I'm Really Not a Conspiracy Theorist, But...

If any of you reading this are true conspiracy theorists, please don't try to friend me. I generally don't get along with your types because the way you connect dots is ridiculous, your facts are usually made up and your conclusions are at best leaps of faith.

That being said, why did gas go up $0.42 in one single jump at all gas stations at midnight the night of election November 6, 2012? I'm sorry I don't have before and after pictures. It wouldn't even be believable. I never subscribed to the all-powerful, secret "Gas Price Czar" that sends down orders to all gas stations what the prices are to be, but after last Wednesday, there cannot be any other explanation that He exists and that Obama had corrupted this mystery man to help get him elected. The thing is, gas price spikes and dips are very predictable. When oil goes up, gas follows one to two weeks. When oil goes down, oil follows. When there is a problem in the Middle East, gas spikes up pretty quickly - usually within a couple of days. When there is a hurricane in an area that has off-shore drilling, there is usually a pretty quick spike in price. But Hurricane Sandy did the opposite. Before Sandy hit, oil refineries were shut down so gas production stopped, but there was so much devastation, that gas demand dropped enough to cause gas to go down. We saw this. It happened as expected. Gas in my neighborhood gradually dropped from $3.49 all the way down to $3.07 over the course of about a week immediately after Sandy hit. Late Tuesday evening, gas was between $3.07-3.09 at all gas stations. Very early Wednesday morning, gas at my local station was $3.49. Now NORMALLY when gas moves that much that quickly there is ALWAYS another station nearby that still has the old price. Not every gas station changes at the exact same time - in fact I've seen spans of up to 36 hours where nearby stations have not yet adjusted to a major change in gas prices.

Not Wednesday after the election. With absolutely zero warning, nothing in the news, no change in oil price, no terrorist attacks and no new hurricanes or any other news that would warrant a significant change in gas price, every single gas station, all within several hours (maybe minutes) popped their price by 40-42 cents. Am I the only one that feels like there is something very fishy about that?

In other conspiracy news, can someone explain to me why more Mormons would vote for John McCain in 2008 than for the Mormon, Mitt Romney in 2012? Please find a plausible explanation for this apparent fact...