Showing posts with label cruz crazy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cruz crazy. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

IT'S OFFICIAL=> Ted Cruz Is Mathematically ELIMINATED from GOP Race - With Chart

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Guest post by Joe Hoft

As we predicted on April 2nd….    As of today, April 26, 2016,, Ted Cruz is mathematically eliminated from winning the Republican nomination outright.

On April 2nd we predicted that Donald Trump would have 953 delegates as of today (needing only 284 delegates for the nomination) and that Cruz would have 550 delegates as of today (needing 687 to win the nomination).

We also predicted that only 634 delegates would remain and therefore Cruz would need more delegates than would be available.

Ted Cruz is eliminated.It is clear that Cruz was eliminated tonight.It is not clear yet on how devastating the final numbers will be for Ted Cruz.

After winning all five primaries tonight —  Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania — Donald Trump has 945 delegates so far.

Ted Cruz finished third in Connecticut, Delaware and Rhode Island.

There are fewer delegates remaining than we originally projected because the delegates in Wyoming, Colorado and North Dakota were allocated inshady voter-less elections after April 2nd.

After tonight’s primaries Cruz has — 559 delegates – He did not win a single delegate tonight.Cruz needs 678 delegates to reach 1,237 delegates.There are only 651 available.It’s over.

Here is the updated chart with tonight’s results.

Our April 2nd projections for Trump and Cruz were very close to the actual results.

Ted Cruz is Mathematically Eliminated from winning the GOP nomination outright and has fewer wins than Bernie Sanders.


Monday, April 25, 2016

Trump Coins a New Nickname for John Kasich

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio


by JEROME HUDSON25 Apr 20161,084

Eight months after tagging Jeb Bush as “low energy” and labeling 

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)


, “Lyin’ Ted,” Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has at long last nicknamed his GOP rival John Kasich.

“Lyin’ Ted Cruz and 1 for 38 Kasich are unable to beat me on their own so they have to team up in a two on one. Shows weakness!” Trump said in a Monday morning Tweet.

The real estate mogul was just getting started. Trump called his Republican primary opponents’ alleged collusion a sign of weakness and desperation.

“Shows how weak and desperate Lyin’ Ted is when he has to team up with a guy who openly can’t stand him and is only 1 win and 38 losses,” Trump Tweeted.

Trump’s Sunday night Twitter screeds were in response to the Cruz and Kasich camps’ acknowledgment that the two campaigns are working in concert to stop Trump.

As Breitbart News reported late Sunday, the Kasich campaign has announced that it will campaign exclusively in Oregon and New Mexico, and “We will shift our campaign’s resources West and give the Cruz campaign a clear path in Indiana.”

In similar fashion, the Cruz campaign released a statement confirming collusion:

To ensure that we nominate a Republican who can unify the Republican Party and win in November, our campaign will focus its time and resources in Indiana and in turn clear the path for Gov. Kasich to compete in Oregon and New Mexico, and we would hope that allies of both campaigns would follow our lead. In other states holding their elections for the remainder of the primary season, our campaign will continue to compete vigorously to win.

Trumps campaign released a statementearly Monday, responding to the Cruz/Kasich plan to stop the Republican frontrunner from collecting the 1,237 delegates he needs to lock up the Republican nomination.

“It is sad that two grown politicians have to collude against one person who has only been a politician for ten months in order to try and stop that person from getting the Republican nomination,” the Trump statement said. “Governor Kasich, who has only won 1 state out of 41, in other words, he is 1 for 41 and he is not even doing as well as other candidates who could have stubbornly stayed in the race like him but chose not to do so.”

The next Republican primary contest will be on Tuesday, April 26 and will see the remaining three GOP candidates compete for delegates in Connecticut (28), Delaware (16), Maryland (38), Pennsylvania (71), and Rhode Island (19).

Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter: @jeromeehudson

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