Showing posts with label carly fiorina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label carly fiorina. Show all posts

Monday, May 2, 2016

Bill Kristol: I’m A Never Trump Guy, But ‘I’ll Say Never Say Never’

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by PAM KEY2 May 2016253
Monday on Newsmax TV’s “The Steve 

Malzberg Show,” Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol, who is a self-described member of the “never Trump” movement, was asked if there’s anything GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump could do to win him over. Kristol said he was “never Trump,” but added a “never say nyever” caveat.
Kristol said, “For me it’s more of a matter of character. I don’t know that you can change your character at age 69, and given the things he’s said even very recently about other people, the way he demeans other people. But I mean, I guess never say never. On the one hand, I’ll say never Trump, and on the other hand, I’ll say never say never and I’ll leave it ambiguous.”
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Trump trouncing in Calif. by 34 points: Poll

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Donald Trump is leading Ted Cruz by a whopping 34 percentage points — 54%-20% — among likely Republican voters in California, a SurveyUSA poll for KUSA found.

That’s a significant gain for the Republican frontrunner, whose lead was only 8 percentage points in the last SurveyUSA poll a month ago. And it’s a significant loss for Cruz. The two were 40%-32% last month.

California, which holds its primary June 7, is the most delegate-rich state on the Republican primary calendar with 172 at stake for GOP hopefuls.

That makes Indiana, which will award 57 delegates after its primary Tuesday, all that much more important for Cruz if he wants to stop Trump from reaching the 1,237 delegates he needs to clinch the nomination. In the most recent poll, though, he is trailing by 15 percentage points in the Hoosier State.

On the Democratic side, the SurveyUSA poll gives Hillary Clinton a 57%-38% lead over Bernie Sanders in California. In general election match-ups, she beats Trump 56%-34% and Cruz 57%-29%. California has not sided with a Republican for president since George H.W. Bush in 1988.

SurveyUSA polled 2,011 registered voters in California from April 27 to April 30.


Sunday, May 1, 2016

Heidi Cruz Confronts Fiorina For Sleeping With Lyin’ Ted Cruz

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Greenville, Indiana Saturday, April 30, 2016

A nasty argument broke out between Carly Fiorina and Heidi Cruz, after Heidi Cruz confronted Fiorina about sleeping with her husband, GOP Presidential candidate Lyin’ Ted Cruz, in a Pizza restaurant’s restroom in Greenville, Indiana on Saturday afternoon.

On the campaign trail, Carly Fiorina, running mate to Republican presidential candidate Lying Ted Cruz, and Congressman Marlin Stutzman ( a senate candidate), along with first lady hopeful Heidi Cruz, came to Mozzi’s Pizza in Greenfield for lunch Saturday afternoon.

An employee of Mozzi’s Pizza who was in a restroom occupied by Cruz and Fiorina, heard Cruz and Fiorina screaming at each other outside her stall, saying that:

“I trusted you. I allow you in my home and trust you with my children. So how do you repay me….by f….ing (expletive) my husband.” [Cruz]

“It wasn’t my fault. He came on to me and I really didn’t think you would care…it’s not like I was the first woman he ever cheated on you with.” [Fiorina]

Allegedly, their altercation nearly turned violent with further harsh words levied by both Cruz and Fiorina, but calmed down shortly after the manager of the restaurant, Steve Geyer, knocked on the door of the restroom, in an attempt to quell the argument.

Steve Geyer said that the restaurant learned of Fiorina’s intended visit late Friday night and the staff felt honored to have such a high-profile campaign choose their establishment to visit for lunch.

Later that Saturday afternoon, Stuzman, Fiorina and Cruz, braved the rain on the footsteps of the Hancock Courthouse in downtown Greenville, to pitch their campaign spills to a small crowd of people.

Obviously, Heidi Cruz, still very emotionally upset from her earlier altercation with Fiorina, made the following statement, calling her husband an “Immigrant”.

“We have been unifying this party. Five of those 17 candidates have endorsed our campaign. And different parts of the party. We’ve been unifying fiscal conservatives. Evangelicals. Young people.

Do you know that Ted has been winning the millennial vote in state after state? He’s been winning the women’s vote in state after state. Ted is an immigrant. He is Hispanic. He can unify this party.

We have libertarians joining our cause. I have people everyday from the Democrat party telling that they have re-registered to vote for Ted as a Republican because they understand what he stands for and he represents American values.”

A patron checks out Fiorina’s posterior during Wisconsin Visit

In attempt to clean up the possible media fallout from Heidi’s allegations that Lying Ted is an immigrant and therefore ineligible to run for President, a Cruz campaign spokesman later claimed Mrs. Cruz misspoke.

“As she has in numerous speeches over and over, Heidi was referring to Ted as being the son of an immigrant,” said spokeswoman Catherine Frazier.

“That is a story she shares repeatedly on the campaign trail. It is an integral part of his background and personal story, one which resonates with the millions of Americans who share a similar background, and that gives hope to those struggling to climb the economic ladder.”

Whether or not Heidi Cruz was deliberately trying to sabotage her cheating husband’s campaign or not, is a matter of speculation. However, if Melania Trump had said same thing about her husband, Donald Trump, it would have been on every television news show and front page of every major newspaper in the country, that evening.

Story partially contributed to by the Washington Examiner.

Editors Note:

It does not shock me at all that the main stream media has nothing to say about both of the aforementioned incidents.  I found the Washington Examiner article concerning Heidi Cruz’s immigrant remarks, which lead me to dig further in to it.  (said article has a audio recording of Heidi Cruz’s immigrant remarks)

A couple calls to the Pizza place and some digging in some local blogs lead me to the woman who overheard the fight in the bathroom.  I actually talked to the restaurant employee who furnished me with the above quotes.

However, she is asking not to be named until she can talk to her families attorney.  My gut feeling is that she is hopeful for fame and money from movie and or book deals…who knows.  It will be interesting to see what, if anything,  the main stream media will write about this.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Jewish Billionaire Leftist & Obama/Hillary MegaDonor Gives CRUZ 11 Million — to Stop Trump!

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APRIL 17, 2016 AT 11:59 PM
Commentary — If you needed any more evidence that in America the Zio-controlled governing party and the Zio-controlled opposition party are two sides of the same shekel, look no further. Jewish tribalist billionaire James Simons has given mega millions to leftist Democrats, Barack Obama and potential shiksa-in-chief Hillary Clinton. Recently Simons has given the huge amount of 11 million dollars to a son of a preacher and part-time Bela Lugosi impersonator Ted Cruz in a desperate attempt to stop Trump!
This should make it clear that Cruz is no outsider but the most connected insider possible. While Cruz rails against “NY values”  he gets mega millions from the the New York elite, the same elite that are the biggest long-time supporters of the Likes of Obama and Hillary Clinton! Another interesting fact is that Simons is also a megadonor to Planned Parenthood, who hypocrite Cruz rails against.  So Simons obviously has no worries about his millions of dollars being able to control Cruz, but he is deathly afraid of Donald Trump — What else do you need to know.
Here are some excerpts that have the facts on Simon’s billions of dollars to Cruz!
America’s elite don’t support Establishment candidates because they’re passionate about campaign platforms
By Michael Sainato • 04/17/16 10:00am
James Simons, director of Renaissance Technologies LLC. (Photo: Tim Sloan/AFP/Getty Images)
Hillary Clinton’s supporters endlessly criticize Bernie Sanders for not being “a real” Democrat.
“I’m not even sure he is one,” the former first lady said in an interview via aPolitico podcast. The attack is baseless and divisive, and with it Ms. Clinton and her supporters draw a line in the sand, telling Democrats who support Mr. Sanders: If you aren’t with us, you’re against us. In some ways, their argument is true. Mr. Sanders isn’t a true Democrat—he’s something much better.
Mr. Sanders’ campaign platform includes proposals and ideas Democrats have fought for over several decades, albeit incrementally. The reforms Mr. Sanders instills into mainstream conversations—issues like income inequality and the corruption and greed embedded in the American political system—have fallen by the wayside in recent years as both parties are beholden to special interests, rather than the greater public good.
Most politicians like Ms. Clinton and Jeb Bush spend their time courting deep-pockets, and in this election cycle the two candidates have shared over 60 of the same wealthy donorsTime Magazine cited one billionaire donating to Ms. Clinton, Mr. Bush and Senator Ted Cruz—who believes the country would be in good hands with any of the three as president. Goldman Sachs—whose CEO, Lloyd Blankfein, called Mr. Sanders “dangerous”—also donated to Mr. CruzMr. Bush and Ms. Clinton.
Billionaires and millionaires aren’t supporting candidates like Ms. Clinton and Mr. Cruz because they’re passionate about campaign platforms. Wealthy individuals contribute to campaigns because they know that, in order to keep large donations pouring in every year, candidates like Ms. Clinton and Mr. Cruz will return the favor. This cycle enables massive corporations and wealthy one-percenters to maximize their profits through tax evasion, outsourcing and government subsidies and tax breaks.
According to a New York Times analysis that was last updated on April 5, Ms. Clinton has received $62.5 million in contributions from Super-PACs alone. Mr. Cruz—having received $56 million from Super-PACs—isn’t far behind. Politico’s list of the top 100 donors in the 2016 presidential election show Ms. Clinton and Mr. Cruz leading the majority of donations from America’s elite.
Billionaire James Simons owns hedge funds Euclidean Capital and Renaissance Technologies. According to, Euclidean Capital has donated over $3.5 million to Ms. Clinton’s campaign and Renaissance Technologies has donated over $11 million to Mr. Cruz’s campaign. Ms. Clinton and Mr. Cruz differ substantially on campaign platforms, but their refusal to challenge the status quo, and to network with federal lobbyists rather than against them, is what makes them similar.
This is why Mr. Sanders is an infinitely better candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination. His donor lists don’t mirror those of the Republicans, and his campaign platform can’t be stripped down to provide concessions to federal lobbyists and special interests.
Bernie Sanders’ accountability is with the American people—many of whom have financed his campaign through small contributions. Citizens United is not a single issue—it permeates and corrupts every aspect of the political system.
The future of the Democratic Party is at stake, and the Establishment support for Hillary Clinton signifies a preference for federal lobbyists and money overfighting for working class and middle class interests.

Carly Fiorina Responds to Criticism of Hewlett-Packard Sales in Iran

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HP built up a 40 percent market share in Iran despite the fact that U.S. companies were banned from selling there.

 Ali Elkin AliElkin

September 20, 2015 — 3:18 PM EDTUpdated on September 21, 2015 — 1:38 PM EDT

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Carly Fiorina, former chairman and chief executive officer of Hewlett-Packard Co. and 2016 Republican presidential candidate, listens before speaking during a campaign stop at the Stellar Industries production facilities in Garner, Iowa, U.S., on Friday, Aug. 14, 2015.


Photographer: Daniel Acker/Bloomberg

Carly Fiorina said Sunday that neither she nor Hewlett-Packard should be faulted for the sales of millions of HP printers in Iran when such business was prohibited by U.S. law. 

Appearing on Fox's Fox News Sunday, Fiorina said that despite being the CEO of HP when the Iranian sales took place via a third party, she was unaware of them. 

"First, HP, you need to remember, was larger than each of the 50 states," Fiorina said. "It's a larger budget than any one of our 50 states, and a global enterprise. And so it's impossible to ensure that nothing wrong ever happens. The question is what do you do when you find out." 

“In fact, the SEC investigation proved that neither I nor anyone else in management knew about it.”

Carly Fiorina

“Are you saying you didn’t know about it?” host Chris Wallace asked.

“In fact, the SEC investigation proved that neither I nor anyone else in management knew about it…” she insisted, adding,  “...when the company discovered this three years after I left, they cut off all ties. The SEC investigated very thoroughly and concluded that no one in management was aware.”

A 2008 Boston Globe investigation found that, while U.S. companies were banned from selling goods to Iran, an Indian company in Dubai called Redington Gulf had sold HP printers there. They sold them so well, in fact, that HP had 41 percent market share in Iran by 2007. Redington Gulf obtained the printers through a European subsidiary. 

Wallace asked Fiorina why HP had named Redington Gulf its "Wholesaler of the Year" award in 2003 if the company wasn't aware of its sales to Iran, Fiorina again deflected blame. 

"The wholesaler of the year that you're describing was doing business with another company that was doing business with Iran. Clearly that wholesaler of the year, which should not have been wholesaler of the year, was not honest in their dealings with us, and they were not honest in their dealings with this third company."

Fiorina was also asked about the HP's struggles during her tenure, which included layoffs of 30,000 employees and a drop in share price. Fiorina said, as she has said before, that her time at HP (from 1999 until early 2005) was a period marked by widespread faltering in the technology industry. 

"It's important to remember that I led HP during the worst technology recession in 25 years," Fiorina said, saying the Nasdaq technology stock index dropped by 80 percent and took 15 years to recover from that recession.

Host Chris Wallace pointed out that, by the time Fiorina was fired, the Nasdaq had only dropped 23 percent, compared with HP's share price, which was down twice as much at the same time. 

"Yes and that technology-heavy stock index dropped again," Fiorina said. "There are people who look at a stock one day at a time. I never led that way."

Fiorina stressed that those who were laid off at HP got generous severance packages and career counseling, and said that if she were the president, government jobs would wind up cut, too. 

"When you have a big, bloated bureaucracy costs too much, that is becoming inept—and by the way that’s what we have in Washington, D.C.—then there are some jobs that have to go away," she said. "And I will say as president of the United States, 256,000 baby boomers are going to retire out of the federal government in the next four or five years. I will not replace a single one." 

CORRECTION: The original version of this story misstated the number of baby boomers who will retire out of the federal government. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Mysterious Case of Ted Cruz PAC’s $1/2 Million ‘Donation’ to Help Carly Fiorina

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Editor’s Note: This article was first published March 30, 2016.

Months ago, before the Republican race was whittled down to just two candidates, a very curious thing happened. Ted Cruz‘s super PAC ‘donated’ $500,000 to Carly Fiorina‘s super PAC. A few articles popped up at the time, and the Federal Election Committee even issued a letter asking the Cruz super PAC to better explain what the donation was for.

To be clear, a half a million dollars is not a small donation, and, at the time, it was the largest expense that the PAC had paid out. So why the heck would Cruz’s PAC hand over that kind of money in the midst of a heated campaign splintered with so many candidates? In an interview in October,  Kellyanne Conway, president of Cruz’s PAC told CBS News, that they made the donation in June “because we thought she had important things to say that weren’t being heard.” She added, “we are all in for Ted Cruz for President.”

Do you seriously believe that a group that was pushing for Cruz to be president several months ago would want to help his rival, Carly Fiorina? That makes no sense. The reason that uncovered in the Cruz PAC’s recently amended filings with the FEC raises even more questions.

“The failure of this super PAC to adequately describe the purpose of this transaction – undermines the public’s right to know,” Campaign Legal Center Executive Director Paul Ryan told

In the new filing, under the reason category instead of saying “other disbursement” like they had marked previously, Keep The Promise I (the name of the Cruz super PAC) amended the filing to say “transfer to IE only committee.” Uh? An “IE Only Committee” is legalese for “super PAC.”  What the Cruz super PAC means by “Transfer to IE Only Committee” is that it gave money to a different super PAC. Okay, well, thanks for amending the disclosure, but that still gives us no indication about what this money was used for, and why it was given to Cruz’s opponent.  And, in fact, legal experts believe that federal rules may require the super PAC to mark this as a donation not a transfer anyway.

“Even if this Cruz supporting super PAC describes the purpose (in their amended disclosures), that still doesn’t answer the why question — the motivation is what is interesting and intriguing,” Ryan said.

It is intriguing. I was prompted to research this particular donation because longtime Donald Trump friend and confidante Roger Stone brought it up in a recent interview, when he was addressing the National Enquirer article that accused Ted Cruz of having affairs with five different mistresses. (Something that Cruz has dismissed as ‘garbage’ and ‘lies’)

“And you have to wonder whether these women, one of whom worked for the Carly Fiorina campaign, and then shortly thereafter Ted Cruz pays Carly half a million dollars. Ted despises Carly, and Carly despises Ted. What is the $500,000 for? Can you say hush money?” Stone said in the interview. Stone, a longtime GOP political consultant, was the only one quoted ‘on the record’ for the Enquirer story. His claim definitely sounds like a conspiracy theory, but it’s now exploding on the internet. Plus, it wouldn’t be the first time a presidential candidate  used hush money to cover up an affair.

Of course, fast forward to now, Fiorina is backing Cruz in his campaign for presidency. Interestingly, Fiorina was recently out campaigning with him in Wisconsin when a Daily Mail reporter asked Cruz point blank about whether he had affairs. Fiorina quickly jumped in before Cruz could say a word.

“I’m going to comment. This is an example of the media playing to Donald Trump’s tune. Donald Trump is a serial philanderer, by his own admission,” Fiorina said.

Okay, so we have no idea if the two are connected, but we do know that it is very unusual for a Cruz-supporting PAC to give money to his opponent. We also know that the reason that the PAC stated in their amended disclosures is even more curious, and provides even fewer answers.

“This is very rare, I can’t recall another instance in which one super PAC contributed to another super PAC supporting an opponent, ” election law expert Paul Ryan said.

I emailed Cruz’s PAC Keep the Promise for further explanation, they pointed me back to their previous statements on the matter in which the executive director said that Keep the Promise I “supports Ted Cruz for President” but “will offer support to other candidates.”

Cruz’s campaign has not returned a call. We will continue digging to see if we can find out what this money was used for. But, as you know, the federal rules are pretty lax when it comes to requiring superPAC to make disclosures.

[image via Shutterstock]