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Showing posts with label Kerry Smyth. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

***2016 GOP Convention LiveWire*** Trump Officially Clinches GOP Nomination

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

The Associated Press

by BREITBART NEWS19 Jul 20161,914

Welcome to Breitbart News’s live updates of Tuesday’s evening session of the 2016 Republican National Convention. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) will place Donald Trump’s name into nomination. Ted Cruz’s allies may try to disrupt the convention–and get their fair share of publicity–once again.




Tonight’s theme is “Make America Work Again,” and featured speakers will include UFC President Dana White, former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), the NRA’s Chris Cox, LPGA golfer Natalie Gulbis, Dr. Ben Carson, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, actress Kimberlin Brown, Donald Trump Jr., and Tiffany Trump. House Majority Leader Paul Ryan (R-WI), Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) will also speak. View the full convention schedule here.

All times eastern.

7:45: Trump will address the convention via satellite later tonight:



7:32: Never Trump agitators not trying to pull shenanigans on the floor to get attention.



It’s official. Donald J. Trump Wins GOP Presidential Nomination.

7:11: Donald Trump Jr. vows that his dad will put New York in play in the general election. He says his it is his honor to put Trump over the top with 89 of the state’s delegates. He says his dad gave average Americans a voice this election cycle.

“Congratulations Dad! We love you,” he says.


7:02: New York passes so the Empire State can put Trump over the top.

6:59: Lo and behold, Gov. Susana Martinez helps New Mexico cast its 24 votes for Donald Trump.

6:47: Michigan passes so that New York can put Trump over the top.

6:45: Trump getting close to the 1,237 delegates need to clinch nomination. He’s over 800 after  Maryland.

6:28: Florida delegate booed when he says Florida is the state that gave LeBron James his first two champions. All 99 of the state’s votes to Trump.

6:25: Crowd Boos Colorado delegation/attention-seekers:


6:22: Ecstatic California Delegation (172 delegates for Trump!):

6:12: Roll call of the states has begun.

6:05: Outside the convention halls:



From Andy Badolato:

Iraq war diplomatic security style tail gunners, AKA Trunk Monkeys with M4 battle rifle variants. They look like Federal or local law enforcement CAT (counter assault team) teams.

6:03: Henry McMaster of South Carolina says he was the first elected official in the country to endorse Trump. He says it was lonely for a bit but “no more.” He says the “sleeping giant of the American spirit has been awakened.” He says Trump is a remarkable man of “uncommon strength, uncommon determination, accomplishment, and vision.” McMaster says “there’s something happening here. What it is precisely here. We are going to make America great again with Donald Trump. Thank you and God bless you.”

5:59: Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) thanks Sessions for standing with him in support of Trump. He says Western New York has been devastated by “unfair trade deals” that have allowed Mexico and China to “steal our jobs.” He says we have been losing under Barack Obama. Collins says the federal government is trampling on our rights while our country has no borders. “Enough is enough,” he says. “It’s time to take back our country. The great United States of America.” He says Trump is not just a candidate but a “movement.”

5:58: Sessions says it is his distinct honor and great pleasure to nominate Donald Trump for the office of the presidency of the United States of America.

5:53: Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) says Americans love our country “like no other people on earth. But we have gotten off course. And the American people know it. Our political system is not working.” He says good Americans want the political games to end. Sessions slams Obama for blaming the police while crime is rising. He blasts the political, corporate, and media establishments for being politically correct. He says Trump was not intimidated and “he would not be silenced. He spoke the truth. He gave voice to the people’s concerns.” He mentions Trump’s opposition to bad trade deals and support for law and order and police officers.  Sessions says voters reward Trump’s courage. He says Trump is positive by nature and has “tremendous energy and strength.” He calls trump a “warrior” and “winner” who loves his country and is determined to see it become a “winner” again. He says he believes Trump is the singular leader who can get the country back on track.

5:50: House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) says it’s an honor to be at the convention. He is going over procedural rules.

5:45: Disgusting scene outside the convention:

5:43: RNC Chair Reince Priebus calls the convention back to order.

5:35: Big Ratings for First Night of GOP convention:


5:30: When the GOP convention resumes, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) will put Donald Trump’s name into nomination. Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) and South Carolina Lieutenant Governor Henry McMaster will give seconding speeches.

Read More Stories About:

2016 Presidential RaceBig Government

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Fox News: Bill O’Reilly To Correct Glenn Beck’s Trump-Misinformation

Fox News

by JOHN NOLTE18 Jan 20161182

Friday on Fox News’s “O’Reilly Factor,” Glenn Beck spread the false information that Donald Trump voted for Barack Obama in 2008. To back his erroneous claim, Beck cited a fake photoshopped tweet from Responding to an inquiry from Breitbart News Monday, we were informed by a Fox News source that the record will be corrected on Monday night’s “O’Reilly Factor.”

Beck will not be a guest, we were told, but a segment will cover Beck’s error and by extension inform “O’Reilly Factor” viewers of the truth.

After Trump slammed Beck for falling for the fake tweet, Beck doubled down Saturday with a tweet taunting Trump, “Why do you keep saying things like you didn’t vote for @BarackObama ?… just admit it @realDonaldTrump.

Later Saturday night, after apparently figuring out he’d been duped, Beck finallytook to his Facebook account to apologize for spreading the misinformation.

On Monday, Beck returned to Facebook to argue that while he did fall for a fake tweet, he still believes Trump voted for Obama in 2008. This, despite the fact Trump publicly endorsed Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) in 2008 and was on a committee that raised money for him.