Showing posts with label Jake Tapper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jake Tapper. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Jake Tapper Asks Spinning Marco Rubio: Are You In Denial?

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio
by JOHN NOLTE1 Mar 2016333
After getting shellacked by Donald Trump on Super Tuesday with a win in only one state — and let’s be honest, Minnesota is just barely a state — Senator Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) made the cable rounds  hoping to spin his way out of a campaign that is now in very serious trouble. Even Rubio’s super PAC over at Fox News wasn’t buying it. But CNN’s Jake Tapper could hardly contain his disbelief at Rubio’s Rain Man-ian spin.
Near the end of the interview,  Tapper just came out and asked, “I’m wondering if there’s a certain amount of denial that you’re in about this race?”
This was the look on Tapper’s face just before he asked the question.
Tapper: Senator, you keep saying that, and [Trump] keeps winning states, and you’re talking about Virginia and that’s another state that Donald Trump won. I’m wondering if there’s a certain amount of denial that you’re in about this race.
Rubio: No, Jake. We’re in the winner-take-all phase of this. Up you know this is about delegate count. You know in a usual race you’d have a front-runner and people would be saying you need to drop out and rally around the front-runner. What people are saying is fight as hard as you can…

After the interview Tapper said, “Call it determination, call it denial — Senator Marco Rubio.”

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