Showing posts with label Iowa GOP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iowa GOP. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Trump calls for 'new election' after accusing Cruz of fraud in Iowa

February 03, 2016 - 09:09 AM EST



Donald Trump is accusing Republican presidential rival Ted Cruz of committing fraud ahead of Monday night's Iowa caucuses, and he is calling for a "new election."

"Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa Caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified," Trump tweeted on Wednesday.

Earlier in the day, the real estate mogul tweeted, then quickly deleted, a claim that Cruz didn’t earn a fair victory in Iowa, saying he “illegally stole it.”

"Ted Cruz didn't win Iowa, he illegally stole it. That is why all of the polls were so wrong any [sic] why he got more votes than anticipated. Bad!" the GOP front-runner tweeted.

The post went up Wednesday morning before being removed less than a minute later.

It was subsequently replaced with a new tweet that omitted the word “illegally.”

Cruz came under fire in the days leading up to the Iowa caucuses for distributing a misleading mailer that attempted to shame recipients into turning out to vote for the Texas senator.

Following his decisive win over the GOP field, Cruz was accused by fellow presidential candidate Ben Carson of spreading a false rumor that Carson was dropping out of the race in order to sabotage the retired neurosurgeon's campaign.

Cruz later apologized.

At his first post-Iowa rally in Milford, N.H., Trump called Cruz “dirty,” adding “what he did to Ben Carson was a disgrace."

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Microsoft app used to tally votes at Iowa caucus fails in some areas

A graphic from a Microsoft video about its caucus vote counting app.(Photo: Microsoft)

As Republican and Democratic caucus voters used new Microsoft tallying apps during the Iowa caucuses, some took to Twitter to say the sites were crashing, while others complemented them on how swiftly they worked.


Iowa caucuses: What's happening right now

Looks like Microsoft's caucus tallier crashed...

— Miranda Green (@Mirandacgreen)

And the Iowa GOP caucuses results site is down. Good job, @microsoft !

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin)

Add “Iowa Caucus vote tracking” to Microsoft’s long list of unsuccessful promotional efforts…

— Michael DeGusta (@degusta)

Microsoft Recount APP was not working properly at 1 location-Iowa Caucus Stream-A-Thon! Continued... via@YouTube

— CelesteHolmes (@Dallas4Bernie)

Some users noted  the system might simply be temporarily overwhelmed and suggested users wait a moment and then try again.

@michellemalkin@Microsoft Just try a few seconds later. The server is probably getting more requests than it can handle. Bashing is easy.

— Boris Pulatov (@BorisPulatov)

In an emailed statement, Microsoft said that the mobile apps for both parties worked without issue.

However national interest in the Iowa Caucuses overwhelmed the Democratic and Republican Party Iowa Caucus websites, which Microsoft was working to resolve, the company said.

Some online  charged that Microsoft founder Bill Gates had donated “millions” to the Clinton Foundation, making the company's creation of the apps suspect. However Microsoft created apps for both the Republican and Democratic parties, so others said that seemed unlikely.

Columnist Matt Drudge tweeted, “Watching the Iowa folks put their votes into Microsoft app is terrifying...”

Microsoft provided the free app in hopes of cutting down on errors and increasing speed in the reporting process, in response to issues at previous Iowa caucuses.

In a blog post in June, Microsoft's vice president for technology and civic engagement Dan'l Lewin, said the software company was "honored to support the 2016 Iowa caucus via a new, mobile-enabled, cloud-based platform that will facilitate accuracy and efficiency of the reporting process."

The secure system was meant to enable precincts "to report their results directly by party and will ensure that only authorized Iowans are reporting results. This announcement represents the first-of-its-kind major technology component to caucus reporting," he wrote.

Microsoft built apps for each political party in Iowa for all mobile and PC platforms, with the results to be securely stored and managed in Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing platform, he said.


Marco Rubio emerges as champion of battered Republican establishment
By James Oliphant

DES MOINES (Reuters) - Texas Senator Ted Cruz was victorious in the first Republican nomination contest of the 2016 White House race, but there was another big winner in Iowa on Monday night: Florida Senator Marco Rubio and the Republican establishment.
For months, Cruz and Donald Trump’s brand of angry, scorched-earth, insurgent politics defined the race for the Republican presidential nomination, while more moderate candidates tussled with themselves to try to mount a challenge to them.
The hope among Republican party leaders has long been for a champion to emerge. And on Monday, that person was Rubio, who finished a hair behind Trump and only a few points behind Cruz.
When Rubio took the stage in a hotel ballroom after the final results were announced, he gave what amounted to a victory speech. “This is the moment they said would never happen,” the first-term senator said. “For months, they told us we had no chance.”
The fight for the nomination has unmistakably entered a new phase.
“We have a three-way race,” said Craig Robinson, the former political director of the Iowa Republican Party.
Rubio’s night shocked Iowa political observers like Robinson, who had predicted Rubio would wind up far behind Trump and Cruz, with perhaps around 15-18 percent of the vote. He finished with 23 percent.
Rubio's performance will strengthen his argument that supporters of other moderate, establishment candidates such as former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and Ohio governor John Kasich should throw their support, and their money, behind him.
Rubio could use the extra cash. His campaign committee raised just over $14 million from donors in the fourth quarter of 2015, putting him well behind Cruz, who brought in more than $20 million. To date, his campaign has raised nearly $40 million, while Cruz has raised $47 million.
Rubio’s Super PAC, which can raise unlimited funds as long as it does not coordinate directly with him, also trails the PACs supporting Cruz. It pulled in $30.5 million last year, while Cruz’s PACs raked in $42 million. Trump, a billionaire, largely self-funds his campaign.
Rubio's third place finish in Iowa means he "is the consensus establishment candidate," said Douglas Gross, a Republican strategist in Des Moines.
Rubio flew to New Hampshire on Monday evening and will likely begin making that argument to voters there ahead of the state's primary, or early nominating contest, on Feb. 10.
On the campaign trail in Iowa, Rubio railed at many of the same targets as Cruz and Trump: Islamic State, immigration and President Barack Obama's healthcare overhaul, popularly known as Obamacare. But he embedded his criticism within a more optimistic, inclusive message. The American-born son of Cuban immigrants, Rubio would be the first Hispanic president.
“It’s not enough to just be angry,” Rubio told voters during last-minute campaigning in the weekend before the caucus vote. “Anger is not a plan. Anger is not solution.”
Iowans who supported Rubio at the caucuses told Reuters they responded to his positive message and viewed him as the best candidate to beat Hillary Clinton in the November election, should she be the Democratic nominee.
“I’ve been looking for someone who really will be an agent for change and I think Marco Rubio will be that guy,” said Kevin Huerkamp, 56, of Clive, Iowa.
According to election returns, Rubio swamped both Cruz and Trump in Iowa’s urban areas - Des Moines, Iowa City, Davenport -suggesting that he could prosper when the Republican race progresses to denser, more populated states such as Florida and Ohio.
(This story has been refiled to replace Rubio's name in last paragraph with Trump's)
(Additional reporting by Grant Smith, editing by Ross Colvin)