Showing posts with label  White House. Show all posts
Showing posts with label  White House. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

EXCLUSIVE – Bernie Sanders Blasts Billionaires, Has Unreported Ties to George Soros


by AARON KLEIN26 Jan 2016138

Self-proclaimed socialist and presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) presents himself as a warrior battling the wealthiest one percent, especially investment bankers and billionaires.

Breitbart News has found, however, that Sanders’ economic policies have been molded in part by experts with deep ties to top one-percenter and billionaire George Soros.

In 2011, Sanders convened what he referred to as an “expert advisory panel” to help draft legislation for Federal Reserve reform in the wake of a damning top-to-bottom Congressional audit of the U.S. central banking system.

Sanders’ panel of experts was stacked with economists tied to Soros. One prominent member advocates a “new economic order” no longer dominated by the U.S., while another is the leading proponent of the “shock therapy” economic doctrine of radical economic transformation deployed at times to detriment in Eastern Europe.

Last July, Sanders convened another panel of economists to advise the Senate on the Greek and international debt crises. The panel consisted of many of the same Soros-tied experts.

New Global Economic Order

Sanders’ 2011 panel on Federal Reserve reform included Nobel Prize-winning Columbia University economics professor Joseph Stiglitz, a proponent of substantial government regulation of the economy.

Stiglitz has been involved in numerous projects with Soros and serves on the boards of numerous Soros organizations, including the billionaire’s signature Open Society Foundation.

Stiglitz conducted teach-ins at Occupy Wall Street, which was reportedly launched by the Soros-funded Adbusters magazine.

It is instructive to note that Sanders is backed by a coalition calling itself “People for Bernie,” which states it consists of “veteran grassroots organizers of Occupy Wall Street, and are joined by many energized brothers and sisters we have met along the way.”

Stiglitz, meanwhile, also served in President Bill Clinton’s administration as a member of the presidential cabinet of advisers and chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers. He was credited with helping to define an economic philosophy referred to as the “third way,” which holds that business and government should be “partners,” while recognizing that government intervention cannot always correct the limitations of financial markets.

Discover the Networks criticized the theory thusly: “In short, Big Business would own the economy (as under capitalism), while Big Government would run it (as under socialism). Corporations would be persuaded to comply with government directives through subsidies, tax breaks, customized legislation, and other special privileges.”

On Sept. 17, 2010, Stiglitz delivered a lecture to the Swiss and Global Asset Management group accompanied by a Power Point presentation – reviewed in full by Breitbart News – calling for a “New Global Economic Order” in which the world is “no longer dominated by one ‘superpower.’”

Stiglitz has criticized President Obama as being “too conservative” to assert a progressive economic vision, and “too afraid to take the bold kind of action that President Roosevelt took” during the Great Depression, MSNBC reported.

‘Shock treatment’

Stiglitz is an active member on the board of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, or INET, an organization that seeks nothing less than to remake the global economy. INET was founded with a $25 million five-year donation from Soros.

In April 2011, Stiglitz was featured at INET’s annual summit, which takes place at the same hotel that hosted the 1944 Bretton Woods economic conference, which sought to reconstruct the post-World War II international monetary system.

Other INET members served on Sanders’ 2011 economic advisory panel, including the keynote speaker at the 2011 Bretton Woods conference, Columbia University economist Jeffrey Sachs.

Sachs serves on the INET board and is associated with Soros and Stiglitz.

Sachs famously coined the “shock therapy” economic doctrine, which he helped to deploy internationally in countries including Bolivia and Poland.

Critics charge that Sachs’ doctrine led to economic turmoil in some countries where it was deployed.

The Wilson Center argued:

A side effect of shock therapy in Russia and in Latin America has been to weaken legal institutions by degrading the powers of the legislature and extending the use of executive decrees. This serves to de-legitimize state power, erode the democratic basis of state authority, undermine the fiscal capacities of the state, and, thus destabilize the political system over the long term.

In every case since 1985, when it was first employed in Bolivia, shock therapy has caused either major constitutional changes or declarations of states of emergency that suspended normal democratic procedures, where it resembles more of a revolutionary than a legal process. It can fundamentally alter the nature of the political system in new democracies.

Sachs was the narrator of a 2009 audio bookentitled “George Soros and Joseph Stiglitz – America: How They See Us.”

Stiglitz has other Soros ties that trace back to Sanders’ economic panel. Stiglitz servedas the chair of the U.N.’s Commission of Experts on Reforms of the International Monetary and Financial System, a commission that included other Soros-tied economists, such as Robert Johnson.

Johnson was on Sanders’ economic panel and served as the managing director of Soros Fund Management. Johnson sits on the boards of the Soros-funded Economic Policy Institute, or EPI, and the Institute for America’s Future.

Also on the board of the Soros-financed EPI is former Boston University law professor Jane D’Arista, who served on Sanders’ economic panel.

Aside from Stiglitz, Sachs, Johnson and D’Arista, other Soros-tied economists on Sanders’ 2011 panel of experts included:

Lawrence Mishel, president of the Economic Policy Institute.Nomi Prins, a senior fellow at the Soros-funded Demos, a progressive think tank where President Obama’s controversial former “green” jobs czar, Van Jones, has served as a long-time fellow and is currently a board member.Dean Baker, co-director of the Soros-funded Center for Economic and Policy Research and former senior economist at the Soros-financed Economic Policy Institute.

Meanwhile, last July, Sanders convened apanel of three economists to discuss the Greek debt crisis. Stiglitz was on the panel, which assembled at the Hart Senate Office Building.

War on billionaires

The great irony of Soros’ ties to Sanders is that the presidential candidate’s stated economic policies would target the billionaire’s wealth. Sanders’ presidential campaign focuses on income inequality. He has set his sights on the likes of the uber-wealthy billionaire Koch brothers while failing to mention that what he calls the “billionaire class” also includes progressive funders like Soros and Bill Gates.

Bernie’s recipe to fix “economic inequality” is to force multi-millionaires and multinational corporations to pay their “fair share” in taxes by removing tax loopholes and tax breaks that benefit only them, in addition to raising tax rates for the “rich.” These tax reforms, he claims, would allow for expansion of “social safety net programs.”

Sanders explained his plan last April: A constitutional amendment to limit corporate campaign donations; legislation that would end off-shore tax havens where corporations “stash” their money and profits; do away with corporate tax breaks; break up Wall Street firms that are “too powerful to be reformed”; lift the cap on the amount of earnings subject to taxes for a retirement fund; and enact a progressive estate tax to increase estate tax rates on the top three-tenths of one percent of Americans who inherit more than $3.5 million” while “eliminating loopholes that have allowed the wealthiest Americans to avoid billions in taxes.”

With research by Brenda J. Elliott.

Aaron Klein is Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter. He is a New York Times bestselling author and hosts the popular weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.” Follow him on Twitter @AaronKleinShow.Follow him on Facebook.

Read More Stories About:

Big GovernmentWhite House2016 Presidential RaceBernie SandersGeorge Sorosoccupy wall streetJeffrey Sachs,open Society Institutejoseph stiglitz

Thursday, January 14, 2016

ANALYSIS: Iran Hardliners Generated Crisis with ‘Willing Dupe’ Obama to Solidify Domestic Power

by AARON KLEIN13 Jan 2016348

TEL AVIV – Less than one week before the international community is set to unlock a decade of sanctions imposed on Iran, the country’s Islamic hardliners deliberately generated a crisis with the US for pure domestic consumption with the aim of ensuring the ayatollahs’s continued grip on power.

Once the International Atomic Energy Agency announces on Friday as expected that Iran has fulfilled its obligations under the US-brokered nuclear accord, the billions of dollars in unfrozen accounts and the massive flow of oil exports will usher in historic changes to Iran’s long-isolated economy.

Iran’s hardliners are backed by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, the IRGC, which ultimately answers to the country’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. This nexus of power fears that  the sanctions relief – and renewed ties with the West, primarily the US – will shift the center of gravity toward the Iranian internationalists, largely represented by Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif and President Hassan Rouhani.

Khamenei’s revolution requires that the West be viewed by Iranians as the enemy; indeed, this is the very raison d’être for the Guards’ continued existence. The hardliners cannot afford to be upstaged by any progress on the economic and political fronts following next week’s sanctions relief.

The BBC last year noticed this trend and accurately reported that “the Guards appear to be pursuing a new doctrine: in order to protect the Islamic Republic at home, Iran must confront threats abroad.”

And so the Guards, knowing they will face few consequences from the Obama administration, seized the opportunity to capture ten sailors after two US Navy patrol boards were accused of crossing into the country’s territorial waters.

The Guards said in a statement that the US military personnel were set free after an investigation had determined they had entered by mistake – but not beforemaximizing the humiliation of the US at home and abroad.

The Chief of Staff of Iran’s Armed Forces, Major General Hassan Firouzabadi, boastedto Iranian media that Tuesday’s capture and subsequent release of the sailors “proved how vulnerable the U.S. is in front of powerful Iranian forces.”

Iran’s Tasnim news agency furtherquoted Firouzabadi stating, “This incident in the Persian Gulf, which probably will not be the American forces’ last mistake in the region, should be a lesson to troublemakers in the US Congress.”

On Wednesday, Tasnim released video purporting to show a US sailor apologizing for invading Iranian territory. “It was a mistake, it was our fault, and we apologize for our mistake,” an unidentified sailor told the Iranian interviewer, who then asked him if his GPS system penetrated Iran. “I believe so,” he responded.

Of course, the latest events must also be seen through the lens of the wider Shiite-Sunni divide, and the need for the Iranians to regain the narrative and upstage the Saudi axis after the Kingdom’s provocativekilling earlier this month of the prominent Shiite cleric Nimr Baqir al-Nimr.

It is stunning that the Iranians believe they can get away with these provocations while they use the Obama administration as willing dupes for their internal Soviet-esque propaganda efforts.

Columnist Charles Krauthammer rightlynoted:

In October, Iran test-fires a nuclear-capable ballistic missile in brazen violation of a Security Council resolution explicitly prohibiting such launches. President Obama does nothing. One month later, Iran does it again. The administration makes a few gestures at the UN. Then nothing. Then finally, on Dec. 30, the White House announces a few sanctions.

They are weak, aimed mostly at individuals and designed essentially for show. Amazingly, even that proves too much. By 10 P.M. that night, the administration caves. The White House sends out an email saying that sanctions are off — and the Iranian president orders the military to expedite the missile program.

. . . Just two weeks ago, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards conducted live-fire exercises near the Strait of Hormuz. It gave nearby US vessels exactly 23 seconds of warning. One rocket was launched 1,500 yards from the USS Harry S. Truman.

Obama’s response? None.

Aaron Klein is Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief. He is a New York Times bestselling author and hosts the popular weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.”  Follow him on Twitter @AaronKleinShow. Follow him on Facebook.

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National SecurityWhite HouseIranState DepartmentBreitbart JerusalemBBCIran SanctionsIran's Revolutionary Guard