Showing posts with label  United Nations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label  United Nations. Show all posts

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Obama: Britain Should Stay in the EU Because Of Iran, Climate Change, TTIP, And Because Sovereignty Is Outdated

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio


by RAHEEM KASSAM21 Apr 20161,468

U.S. President Barack Obama has penned an opinion columnin Britain’s Daily Telegraphnewspaper outlining why he believes Britain should remain in the European Union (EU). The core of his arguments are: that Britain’s voice would be lost without Brussels bureaucrats; his failing deal with the largest state sponsor of terrorism; the pro-mass-privatisation TTIP deal; and the fact that dead American servicemen are buried in Europe.

One might argue that he has failed to read the room.

Just as President Obama parodied himself in his multitude of snubs to Britain during his tenure, he has, probably unknowingly, lampooned himself again – which hasn’t gone unnoticed by staff at the Telegraphthemselves, when tweeting out his column tonight.

President Obama begins by talking up the United Nations and NATO: institutions that are increasingly being called into question not just in Britain, but across Europe and further afield. And he acknowledges the timing of his visit is poor to say the least, jesting:

“I realise that there’s been considerable speculation – and some controversy – about the timing of my visit. And I confess: I do want to wish Her Majesty a happy birthday in person.”

But his op-ed column takes a turn for the bizarre when he mentions the U.S. servicemen who died defending sovereignty and freedom in Europe. This is perhaps especially concerning when he is effectively backing a new German takeover of the continent. He writes:

“The tens of thousands of Americans who rest in Europe’s cemeteries are a silent testament to just how intertwined our prosperity and security truly are. And the path you choose now will echo in the prospects of today’s generation of Americans as well.”

And then comes the attack on the idea of sovereign nations themselves. President Obama insists that “collective action” is more pressing than the idea of independent countries: a notion that those same American servicemen died fighting against:

“And in today’s world, even as we all cherish our sovereignty, the nations who wield their influence most effectively are the nations that do it through the collective action that today’s challenges demand.”

President Obama then goes on to cite the nuclear deal with Iran that has emboldened the country – the globe’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, and enemy of the Western world and its allies:

“When we negotiated the historic deal to verifiably prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, it was collective action, working together with the permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany, that got the job done. And the EU’s seat at the table magnified the United Kingdom’s voice.

“When the climate agreement in Paris needed a push, it was the European Union, fortified by the United Kingdom, that ultimately helped make that agreement possible.”

Finally, President Obama discusses theTrans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) deal – now widely knownto be a corporate lobbyist effort to privatise Britain’s National Health Service en masse and give corporations the right to sue governments. It is massively unpopular with the socialist left and the nationalist right, yet he says:

“When it comes to creating jobs, trade, and economic growth in line with our values, the UK has benefited from its membership in the EU – inside a single market that provides enormous opportunities for the British people. And the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with the EU will advance our values and our interests, and establish the high-standard, pro-worker rules for trade and commerce in the 21st century economy.”

Just this week France threatened to derail the entire deal.

Conclusively, one might argue that President Obama’s op-ed is a litany of unpopular, establishment narratives. The most worrying thing about it? Most people aren’t likely to have a clue what he’s talking about.

Read More Stories About:

Big GovernmentBreitbart LondonIran,GermanyObamabarack obamaClimate ChangeEU referendumUnited Nations,NatoTTIPTelegraph

Monday, March 21, 2016

Trump’s Five Most Important Declarations At AIPAC Speech

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio


by AARON KLEIN21 Mar 2016695

TEL AVIV – Here are the five most important aspects of Donald Trump’s speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, on Monday.

1 – Trump said he will “dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran.”

My number one priority is to dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran. I have been in business a long time. I know deal-making and let me tell you, this deal is catastrophic – for America, for Israel, and for the whole Middle East.

However, he stopped short of pledging to immediately nix the international nuclear accord signed in Vienna last year. He stated at AIPAC that “at the very least, we must hold Iran accountable by restructuring the terms of the previous deal.”

Channelling the sentiments of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Trump said Iran should suffer immediate consequences for likely violating U.N. Security Council resolution 2231 by conducting a series of ballistic missile tests in recent days. Netanyahu last week called for Western powers to take “immediate punitive steps” against Iran for the missile tests.

Trump stated:

The deal is silent on test missiles but those tests DO violate UN Security Council Resolutions. The problem is, no one has done anything about it. Which brings me to my next point – the utter weakness and incompetence of the United Nations.

2 – Trump declared he will check Iran’s growing regional dominance.

The GOP frontrunner affirmed that as president he will “stand up to Iran’s aggressive push to destabilize and dominate the region.”

He outlined Iran’s support for terrorism worldwide, from Syria to the Gaza Strip to Lebanon and beyond. “They’ve got terror cells everywhere, including in the western hemisphere very close to home,” he said. “Iran is the biggest sponsor of terrorism around the world and we will work to dismantle that reach.”

This policy of countering Iran’s regional influence stands in stark contrast to President Obama’s own coddling of Iran, and the president’s orientation away from America’s traditional Sunni Arab allies.

3 – Trump said he opposes the United Nations unilaterally declaring a Palestinian state.

An agreement imposed by the UN would be a total and complete disaster. The United States must oppose this resolution and use the power of our veto. Why? Because that’s not how you make a deal.

Deals are made when parties come to the table and negotiate. Each side must give up something it values in exchange for something it requires. A deal that imposes conditions on Israel and the Palestinian Authority will do nothing to bring peace. It will only further delegitimize Israel and it would reward Palestinian terrorism, because every day they are stabbing Israelis – and even Americans.

He further threatened to veto “any attempt by the UN to impose its will on the Jewish state.”

4 – Trump vowed to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem – and we will send a clear signal that there is no daylight between America and our most reliable ally, the state of Israel.

5 – Trump will treat Israel like an ally and not a “second-class citizen.”

When I become President, the days of treating Israel like a second-class citizen will end on Day One. I will meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu immediately. I have known him for many years and we will be able to work closely together to help bring stability and peace to Israel and to the entire region.

While this declaration may sound simplistic, it comes after seven years of Obama espousing policies some have argued are hostile to the Jewish state. And it comes on the heels of a turbulent relationship between Obama and Netanyahu, including a notorious May 2010 White House meeting in which Obama reportedly snubbed Netanyahu for dinner with Michelle and his daughters.  Also, the Obama administration faced accusations it encouraged the activism of nongovernmental organizations working to defeat Netanyahu in the 2015 elections in Israel.

Aaron Klein is Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter. He is a New York Times bestselling author and hosts the popular weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.” Follow him on Twitter @AaronKleinShow. Follow him on Facebook.

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Big Government2016 Presidential Race,White HouseDonald TrumpBreitbart JerusalemPresident ObamaBenjamin NetanyahuUnited NationsJerusalem,AIPACu.s.-israel relations