Showing posts with label  GOP Establishment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label  GOP Establishment. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Ted Cruz Receives Mitt Romney's Seal Of Approval (Where's the disavowal?)

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

3/03/2016 | Brices Crossroads 

Posted on 3/3/2016, 4:12:53 PM by Brices Crossroads
Generally speaking, your enemies' actions will tell you who or what they fear. Mitt Romney's windy tirade, on behalf of the Establishment and against Donald Trump, is no different. The Establishment fears Donald Trump and not because he might lose. The Establishment is very adept at losing, having lost the popular vote in five of the last six Presidential elections. No. They are afraid of Donald Trump because they not only believe he might win; the actually believe he WILL win. His victory would end their gravy train and suspend, as well as expose to scrutiny, the rackets they have been involved in for the last quarter century. From the GOP Establishment's point of view, a Hillary Clinton victory is infinitely preferable to that.

I have listened for months now as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, among others, have repeatedly lumped Ted Cruz together with Donald Trump as the two threats for which, the Establishment has equal and unmitigated disdain. I think many of us knew that Ted Cruz was no threat to the Establishment but was a cog in its machinery. Willard Mitt Romney, the latest Establishment sacrificial lamb, has now revealed that Ted Cruz is, in fact, an Establishment operative in good standing. At his Trump bashing event, Romney said the following:

"If the other candidates can find common ground, I believe we can nominate a person who can win the general election and who will represent the values and policies of conservatism. Given the current delegate selection process, this means that I would vote for Marco Rubio in Florida, for John Kasich in Ohio, and for Ted Cruz or whichever one of the other two contenders has the best chance of beating Mr. Trump in a given state."

By giving Cruz his imprimatur, Romney provided a very valuable service to any voter who is torn between which of the two anti-Establishment candidates, Trump or Cruz, to support. The fact is there is, and always was, only one anti-Establishment candidate, and it was never Ted Cruz. Someone needs to let Rush and Sean know that they can now drop the line that Cruz is anti-Establishment. Unless, of course, Cruz wants to repudiate Romney's endorsement.

Come to think of it, since we are hearing many calls for repudiations of support/endorsements from this person or that group, perhaps it is not too bold to ask: Can we get a disavowal, Ted?
Didn't think so.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Daily Beast Ignored These GOP Establishment Tweets **Content Warning**

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

by JOHN NOLTE1 Mar 20161112

****Warning: Vile Sexual Content****




Attacks on Breitbart Readers



No comment necessary




This single tweet below is the only one The Daily Beast mentioned.

Threats of violence

Attacks on their own voters as stupid

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Big GovernmentTwitter2016 Presidential RaceGOP EstablishmentThe Daily Beast,Rick Wilson

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol Makes the Case for Donald Trump

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

by JOHN NOLTE16 Feb 2016

The Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol is spitting-mad that the Republican Establishment won’t fight. He’s outraged no one will take on Trump. Among others, Kristol names Jeb Bush, George W. Bush, John Kasich, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Dick Cheney. Published Monday night and titled “No Outrage,” Kristol writes, “Once upon a time we had leaders who would have expressed their outrage at such a slander. They would have demanded evidence… Receiving none, they would have denounced and excoriated him.”

Hey, Bill, welcome to our world, where again and again and again the Establishment rolls over like whipped dogs as the DC Media and President WrightAyers destroy our country.

Isn’t this the bottom line…

If the Establishment won’t fight Trump over something as big as this with all of the media on their side, they surely won’t fight Hillary with all of the media on her side, which means they are going to LOSE;  which means the legacy and executive actions of President WrightAyers are all going to become the settled law of the land, which means Justice Antonin Scalia will be replaced by Justice WrightAyers.

This is a risk we simply cannot take.

We need a nominee who is going to win, and that means nominating someone who will do whatever it takes to win.

Never allow yourselves to forget that in 2012, Team Obama accused Mitt Romney of murder and of not paying his taxes for 10 years. Both bald-faced, outrageous lies. And the DC Media not only let them get away with it, the media delighted in the attacks.

This is the world in which we now live, this is today’s political landscape, these are the battle rules, and for the sake of our country we must nominate someone who understands this. Through his ruthless attacks against both Republicans and Democrats, Trump has already proven he gets it.

Trump fights like a leftist.

Trump fights like Obama.

Jeb Bush attacks Trump with tens of millions of negative ads, Trump goes right after Jeb’s family.

Ted Cruz attacks Trump with millions in negative ads, Trump goes right after Cruz’s integrity, faith, and eligibility.

But here’s the kicker… Something our useless, cowardly Establishment has already promised they will never do

Hillary Clinton attacks Trump as sexist, Trump rips her throat out by bringing up Bill and Hillary’s female victims. The result is not only that Trump stands as the one person in 25 years to effectively fight past the Clintons’ Media Palace Guards and leave a mark, Hillary actually shut her lying mouth.

Here’s another blast from the past…

In 2008, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) was willing to gut Mitt Romney, but he wouldn’t touch Barack Obama’s disqualifying past.

In 2012, Mitt Romney was willing to gut Rick Perry, but he couldn’t or wouldn’t prosecute Benghazi.

Time and again and again our Establishment nominees have proven themselves perfectly capable of attacking their own, only to then fold like a cheap suit in the general election. The DC Media creates rules specifically designed to ensure Republicans lose, and our loser Republicans always play by them.

Not Trump.

The Establishment won’t fight, you say?

Well, no shit.

You’re just figuring that out now?

Probably, from somewhere deep within his patriotic sub-conscious, for the sake of America, Bill Kristol finally decided it was time to make the case against the Establishment.

Regardless, by exposing the truth about this hopelessly feckless group of serial-losers, that is exactly what he did.


Follow John Nolte on Twitter@NolteNC               

Read More Stories About:

Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Donald Trump 2016GOP EstablishmentBill Kristolweekly standard

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Jeb Spends $2,884 Per Iowa Vote

Florida governor Jeb Bush received 5,165 votes in Iowa. His vote total constitutes 2.8 percent of the Republican turnout, placing him in sixth place in the Iowa caucus.

Yet no candidate in either party spent more in the race than Bush.

According to MSNBC, Bush spent $14.9 million in Iowa, all coming from Bush's super PAC. (In fact, if one were to consider national ads and money from the campaign, the total would be significantly more.)

That means, the once Republican frontrunner spent $2,884 per Iowa vote.


Thursday, January 14, 2016

New York Times: GOP Establishment Faces Harsh Reality – Warms to Cruz

Scott Olson/Getty Images

by BREITBART NEWS13 Jan 20161792

Jonathan Martin writes in theNew York Times:

NEW ORLEANS — Striding up the sidewalk of one of this city’s most affluent neighborhoods on Monday evening, S. Scott Sewell seemed an unlikely figure to be attending a fund-raiser for Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). An oil industry executive, Mr. Sewell served in President George Bush’s administration, lent a hand to George W. Bush’s 2000 presidential recount, and was twice a chairman for Mitt Romney’s Louisiana campaigns.

But if such a creature of the Republican establishment appeared an odd fit to support a candidate whose political identity was shaped challenging his party’s leadership, the candlelit, art-filled setting for Mr. Cruz’s reception was even more surprising: the elegant home of the longtime Bush loyalist Mary Matalin and her husband, James Carville, the Democratic strategist.

The vast majority of Republican elites remain bitterly opposed to the prospect of Mr. Cruz’s becoming the party’s presidential nominee, some even preferring to take their chances with Donald J. Trump. Yet, to the strains of a jazz trio a block from St. Charles Avenue here, over Texas barbecue at his Houston campaign office and in one of Washington’s see-and-be-seen steakhouses, Mr. Cruz, Washington’s chief anti-establishment agitator, has quietly begun wooing some of the party’s most entrenched donors and officials.

“We’re working hard to consolidate a lot of support,” Mr. Cruz told a reporter as he mingled with guests arriving at Ms. Matalin’s home.

Some in the old guard have started signaling to their reluctant right-of-center brethren that it is time to face the possibility that the hard-line Mr. Cruz could be their standard-bearer.

“If Cruz makes it, which is very doable, every one of the establishment crowd who is now eviscerating him will line up, salute smartly and get on board,” Ms. Matalin said, offering a mix of prodding and prophecy. “No one will want to be responsible for a G.O.P.defeat.”

That even traces of détente have appeared between Mr. Cruz and the party’s traditional power brokers this early illustrates how thoroughly unpredictable the Republican race has been — and that, for major political donors, it can be safer to hedge one’s bets in such a volatile environment.


Ms. Sands, a philanthropist who has given hundreds of thousands of dollars to establishment-aligned Republicans, predicted that “this election will also be a ‘base’ election, and we need a candidate who inspires and excites the base of our party to come out and vote.”

Read the rest here.

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Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Sen. Ted CruzGOP EstablishmentDonor Class,