Showing posts with label  Europe Migrant Crisis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label  Europe Migrant Crisis. Show all posts

Thursday, February 11, 2016

German Govt Begins Migrant Propaganda Campaign, Urges Citizens To Overcome Their ‘Dark Side’

Sean Gallup/Getty

by LIAM DEACON10 Feb 2016693

A German government ministry has begun an aggressive advertising campaign urging citizens to overcome their “dark side” and embrace open door mass migration and multiculturalism.

“Germany, stay strong! With humanity towards your dark side” and “Against Hate & baiting – no ifs or buts” read the propaganda billboards.

The text is written over a German flag dripping with black paint. Organisers say they hope to “retrieve” the flag from “right wing” and “nationalist” groups such as the PEGIDA and the Eurosceptic Alternative for Germany (AfD), represented on the poster by the encroaching black paint.

“‘Germany, stay strong!’ Is a call to civil society, to oppose right-wing tendencies and incitement. An appeal to a welcoming culture for people in need – and for a cosmopolitan Germany”, writes the left wing ‘Show Your Face! For a cosmopolitan Germany’ group on its website.

Six hundred such giant billboard adverts are expected to go up, and 20,000 stickers and 45,000 postcards will be distributed in the campaign, which is backed by Germany’s Ministry for Families, Seniors, Women and Youth.

“PEGIDA and Co. abuse the flag of the Federal Republic,” proclaimed Uwe-Karsten Heye, the chairman of the group at the campaign launch. “Indeed the flag and Constitution stand for an open society, the right to asylum and for inviolable human dignity”, he claimed.


“I think it is necessary to give people courage to stand against right-wing extremism and xenophobia,” Mr. Heye added, talking to Der Tagesspeigel. 

The organisation’s manager, Sophia Oppermann, said that they also wished to encourage left wing and “humanitarian” groups to use and display the national flag more often.

“We’re tired with the right constantly waving the German flag, and all the others have no chance,” she said. “We are also proud of this country and we stand for the values ​​that have this flag and this country.”

Specifically, the group wants the German public to embrace the 1.5 million migrants who arrived in Germany in 2015, and to keep welcoming them this year as Chancellor Merkel’s open door policy continues unabated.

“We must continue to act with humanity and we must insist that we are dealing with individuals, individuals, have to do”, Ms. Oppermann said.

She argued that the majority of migrants were refugees seeking protection, but admitted there are “huge problems” associated with the mass influx from the Middle East.

“You have to develop ideas on how you can do that”, she said. Adding: “People will, together we hope, strengthen the great majority of society”.

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Trump Thumps Merkel On Migrant Madness: ‘It’s The End Of Europe’


by BREITBART LONDON10 Feb 2016878

REUTERS – U.S. Republican presidential contender Donald Trump said German Chancellor Angela Merkel was wrong to let in thousands of migrants into Germany and that the refugee crisis could trigger revolutions and even the end of Europe.

“I think Angela Merkel made a tragic mistake with the migrants,” Trump told French conservative weekly Valeurs Actuelles, which said it was the billionaire’s first in-depth campaign interview with European media.

“If you don’t treat the situation competently and firmly, yes, it’s the end of Europe. You could face real revolutions,” Trump was quoted as saying, according to the French translation.

The 69-year-old property magnate also said Brussels had become a breeding ground for terrorists and some neighbourhoods in Paris and elsewhere in France had become no-go zones.

“Unfortunately, France is not what it used to be, and neither is Paris,” he said. He also said tight French gun laws were partly responsible for the killing of dozens of people at the Bataclan concert hall last November by Islamist militants.

“I always have a gun with me. Had I been at the Bataclan, I can tell you I would have opened fire,” he said.

Trump further said he thought the United States could have very good relations with Russia‘s Vladimir Putin and that nothing could be worse than the current situation where President Barack Obama and Putin scarcely spoke with each other.

“He (Putin) said I was brilliant. That proves a certain smartness,” said Trump.

The French magazine said the interview was conducted at Trump’s office in New York’s Trump Tower a week before the Iowa caucuses, in which he finished second among candidates seeking the Republican nomination for November’s presidential election.

Trump was widely expected to win Tuesday’s primary in New Hampshire, which is part of the state-by-state process of picking party nominees for the Nov. 8 election to replace Democratic President Barack Obama.

(Reporting by Michel Rose; Editing by Mark Heinrich)

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Breitbart LondonDonald Trump,ImmigrationEurope Migrant Crisis,European UnionAngela Merkel