Sunday, May 1, 2016


1.       Trump – NO FEAR – AMERICA FIRST!!!
-          Trump Foreign Policy Speech
a.       Report: Trump’s “America 1st” Policy WAS America’s FIRST Foreign Policy
b.      David Knight on Trump America 1st and taxes (1B)
c.       David Knight on Trade and Jeff Sessions (1C)
-          Trump in Costa Mesa Rally

a.       The LA TIMES published an article today which opened with the following paragraph: The Los Angeles Police Department is bracing for a long weekend of political demonstrations following the California arrival of GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump and boisterous protests in Orange County. A few paragraphs later they wrote: But the largest crowds are expected to gather downtown Sunday to demand equality for immigrants and protest Trump’s controversial statements about people from Mexico and Muslims.
b. – “Trump was Right, Protesters prove “Mexico Not Sending its Best”
c.       Mass Protesters “Make America Mexico Again”
d.      Hundreds of black lives matter bused in for Riots
e.      Trump Supporter kicked and Suckered punched (1D)
1.       Actors Wanted! Knowledge of politics or skilled in fighting a plus! (Fountain Hills)  Actors needed to protest a political event this Saturday in Fountain Hills! Must be passionate about your assigned role and able to follow directions. We need loud, outgoing people! Knowledge of politics or skilled in fighting a plus! Actors pay their own legal fees if arrested. Pay is up to $3,250 for one day of work!
Call Sue Perkins
-          Trump with Revoltuo Revera on Fox responding to Heidi Cruz statement Saturday in Indiana Cruz immigrant (A1)
-          Delegate Counts – Trump 41-UNP (997) needs 240 more to win : Cruz 20-UNP (566) : Kasich (153) : Hillary 520-UNP (2183) 1,663 : Sanders 39-UNP (1406) 1,367
-          NY Post - Donald Trump will likely wind up winning the most primary votes of any GOP presidential candidate in modern history, the author of the influential Smart Politics blog told The Post on Wednesday.
a.       After convincing victories in Tuesday’s primaries in five East Coast states, Trump has roughly 10.1 million votes, about 200,000 more than Mitt Romney got during the entire 2012 primary campaign.
2.       Delegate Speaks out on Silent Majority Radio Show – Look for the Doppelganger….
-          Attempt to bribe Kelly Buckley vote by Cruz Camp (2A)
-          CNN inside politics Cruz Loves ObamaCare (2B)
-          Cruz on Hannity heated conversation about delegates (2C)
-          James Simons Jewish Billionaire Obama and Clinton Donor by Dr. Duke Member of the House Of Representatives LA ’89 thru ‘93
a.       According to a New York Times analysis that was last updated on April 5, Ms. Clinton has received $62.5 million in contributions from Super-PACs alone. Mr. Cruz—having received $56 million from Super-PACs—isn’t far behind. Politico’s list of the top 100 donors in the 2016 presidential election show Ms. Clinton and Mr. Cruz leading the majority of donations from America’s elite.
b.      Billionaire James Simons owns hedge funds Euclidean Capital and Renaissance Technologies. According to, Euclidean Capital has donated over $3.5 million to Ms. Clinton’s campaign and Renaissance Technologies has donated over $11 million to Mr. Cruz’s campaign.

3.       Obama
-          On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the US economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate after a paltry 1.4% fourth quarter advance.  Ronald Reagan brought annual real GDP growth of 3.5%.Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate. This ranks Obama as the fourth worst presidency on record. Obama will be the only president in history that did not deliver a single year of 3.0% growth rate. Barack Obama will be the only U.S. president in history that did not deliver a single year of 3.0%+ economic growth. According to Louis Woodhill, if the economy continues to perform below 2.67% GDP growth rate this year, President Barack Obama will leave office with the fourth worst economic record in US history.
-          Benghazi
-          Breaking News on Fox with Catherine Herridge new email surfaced (3A)
-          Obama 3rd Term what the F?? (3B)
4.       White House Corresponds Dinner
-          Larry Wilmore
5.       Louder With Crowder UMASS Republican Forum Disruption and Crowder Destruction (5A)
-          Milo
a.       by MILO 27 Apr 20163,132 - Dear #NeverTrump: It’s Time To Get Behind Daddy
b.      After his stunning victories in the north-eastern primaries, Donald Trump needs less than 300 more delegates to secure the Republican nomination. So, #NeverTrump haters and losers — it’s time we had a little talk.
c.       Now, I know Trump and the alt-right hurt your feelings by relentlessly undermining the anointed heir to the Royal House of Bush, as well as that flamboyant, permanently dehydrated ADHD junkie from Florida, but it’s time to let bygones be bygones.
d.      So, by all means spend a few days in a safe space blowing bubbles and eating oatmeal raisin cookies like your feminist compatriots to recover, but after that it’ll be time to face reality: Trump is going to be your party’s nominee.
e.      It’s not so bad, honestly. If you get behind Trump fast enough, your betrayed base might forget comments like “we decide the nominee, not the voters.”

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