Sunday, April 24, 2016


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24Apr16 Sunday Show Notes

+ Prince Dead at 57
-          Superbowl 2007 Spectacular
-          Dave Chappel skit on Prince
-          Charlie Murphy on what Prince thought
2.       Trump  #CruzCrazy
-          Wins NY Primary 89 – Kasich 4 – Cruz 0  (844 – 543-148)
a.       60% - 25% - 14%
b.      Won 50% Hispanic vote
-          Ted Stealing Delegates on Hannity heated (2C)
-          LGBT comment on the Today Show (2A) NC Law says must use bathroom of your birth sex.
-          Change the platform RNC on abortion (2B)
-          Ted Cruz: Donald Trump Joining the ‘PC Police’ by Allowing a ‘Grown Adult Man’ and ‘Stranger’ in Restroom ‘With Little Girls’
a.       People for Cruz posting Fake delegate sheets for Trump supporters
b.      Sean Hannity has posted the official ballot for Penn.
-          California Poll – Trump shooting up and Cruz falling down +15
-          CNN “How do you Unite The Party? ” (2D)
-          Donations
a.       GLSEN 10K and Gay Men’s Crisis 10K
b.      100k to Billy Gram
c.       100k To American Cancer Society
d.      50K Red Cross
e.      65K American Heart Association
f.        50k Child Mind Institute
g.       100k Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy
h.      50k Columbia Grammar and Prep school
i.         200k Dana Farber Cancer
j.        150k Martin B Greenberg Foundation
k.       100k Jewish Museum Heritage
l.         Total $1,712,089
3.       Hillary Clinton
-          Hot Sauce on the Radio (3A)
-          America has TOO MANY GUNS I will remove them
4.       CNN Jeruslem Bus Bombing not terrorism it was a Bus Fire 21 dead.
-          Leading Jewish groups harshly denounced CNN on Monday for failing to refer to a major bus bombing in Jerusalem as a terrorist attack….
-          Simon Plosker, managing editor of the media watchdog HonestReporting, told The Algemeiner, “CNN’s headline implies that the bus spontaneously combusted. The bus did not simply catch fire – it was a deliberate act and CNN fails to acknowledge this. That the headline is still online hours after terrorism has been confirmed as the cause of the blaze is absolutely appalling.”
5.       Obama
-          Obama: Britain Should Stay in the EU Because Of Iran, Climate Change, TTIP, And Because Sovereignty Is Outdated
-          Barack Obama tonight warned Britain would be at the 'back of the queue' for a trade deal with America if it quits the EU.
-          In an extraordinary intervention standing alongside David Cameron at the Foreign Office, the US President warned there was no prospect of a deal 'any time soon'.
-          Mr Obama defended his right to comment on Britain's June 23 poll despite claims from Leave campaigners that he was being 'hypocritical' and had 'double standards'. 
-          The President insisted his remarks, which have been long planned by Mr Cameron's In campaign, were not a 'threat' to Britain.
-          But the speech enraged campaigners who support Brexit, with Tory MPs immediately warning that drumming up support from foreign presidents was 'not a good look' for Mr Cameron. DailyMail

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