Friday, February 5, 2016

GOP Primary Poll: Trump Widens National Lead

Associated Press

by JOHN NOLTE5 Feb 2016169

Quinnipiac poll released Friday shows that Republican frontrunner Donald Trump still holds a national lead over his GOP rivals. Trump earns 31% support, a +9 point lead over second place Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) (22%). Pulling into third is Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) with 19%. Everyone else is at 6% and below. There is little love for the governors — Jeb Bush, John Kasich and Chris Christie — who are all tied up at 3%.

In this particular poll, since the middle of December, Trump has picked up +3 points. Cruz has lost -2 points.  Rubio has surged +7.  Ben Carson lost -4, dropping from 10% to just 6%. Christie lost half his support, dropping -3 points, from 6% to just 3%.

The good news for Trump is that he went from being just +4 points ahead of second place Cruz in December to now being +9 points up.

In the Real Clear Politics poll of polls, Trump leads his GOP rivals by +12.5%.


Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC

Read More Stories About:

Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Donald Trump 2016Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX),Quinnipiac pollRubio

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