Monday, February 29, 2016

Former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Endorses Donald Trump

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by ALEX SWOYER27 Feb 2016Washington, DC928

Former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer endorsed GOP frontrunner Donald Trump for president on Saturday.

Brewer stated she believes Trump will secure the border:

Arizona’s unsecured border is the gateway of illegal immigration into the United States and the politicians in Washington D.C. have continually failed to secure our border. As I’ve always said: A nation without borders is like a house without walls – it collapses. As Arizona’s Governor, I witnessed too much heartache, loss and suffering caused by illegal immigration. I’ve seen communities destroyed by the drugs, gangs, drop houses and cartels. The cost of health care, education and incarceration for illegal immigrants places a crushing burden on taxpayers. Workers of all backgrounds are deprived of jobs and income from our open, bleeding border.”

For years I pleaded with the federal government to do their job and secure our border. Today, we can elect a President who will do just that – Donald J. Trump. Mr. Trump will secure our borders, defend our workers and protect our sovereignty. Mr. Trump will stand for our law enforcement, our police and our immigration officers. Mr. Trump will actually enforce the rule of law.

As a Washington outsider, Mr. Trump gets it. He will listen to the people and fight for the citizens of the United States.

Brewer added, “As Mr. Trump says: we either have a country, or we don’t. This may be our last chance to ensure our children grow up in a country with borders, and with a government that protects its own people. This is our chance — Donald Trump is our chance — to save this country and Make America Great Again.”

Trump responded to the endorsement in a press statement, saying, “I love the state of Arizona and have received incredible support throughout the state. I am leading in all the polls and we have had amazing events with tremendous crowds. I am honored to receive this endorsement from Governor Brewer.”

Read More Stories About:

Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Donald TrumpArizonaJan Brewer

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