Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Clinton likely to leave NH with same number of delegates as Sanders

Hillary Clinton is expected to leave New Hampshire with just as many delegates as Bernie Sanders, even after he crushed her in Tuesday’s primary.

Sanders had won 13 delegates with his 20-point victory on Monday, and is expected to raise that total to 15 by the time all of the votes are counted.

Two of the state’s 24 delegates are currently unpledged, but will likely be awarded to Sanders once the results are finalized. That will raise the Sanders total to 15 delegates.

Clinton won 9 delegates in the primary, but came into the contest with the support of six superdelegates — state party insiders who are given the freedom to support which ever candidate they choose.

Superdelegate support is fluid, so it is possible that one of those delegates now committed to Clinton could switch before the national convention.

But as it stands, the superdelegate support gives Clinton a total of 15 New Hampshire delegates — the same as Sanders.

The Clinton campaign has mounted an aggressive effort to secure about 360 superdelegates across the country, according to the Associated Press. Sanders has a total of eight superdelegates.

Two of New Hampshire’s eight superdelegates are uncommitted: state party chairman Ray Buckley and state Sen. Martha Fuller Clark, according to the Associated Press.

Buckley was barred from picking a side until after the primary, while Fuller Clark told The Hill that she remains uncommitted.

“I wanted to ensure that we had a very open and fair process in New Hampshire and I don't t believe as an elected officer of the party that I should be choosing between two very fine Democrats who are running for office,” she said. 

“For the time being, I continue to hold that position and will wait until closer to the convention to decide.”

Clinton's superdelegate supporters includes Gov. Maggie Hassan, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, and Rep. Annie Kuster.

She's also backed by Democratic National Committeemembers Joanne Dodwell, Billy Shaheen and Kathy Sullivan. 


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