Friday, February 12, 2016

Ben Carson: Black Dependence on Democrats Has Meant ‘Poverty and Broken Homes and Crime and Incarceration’

Stephen Maturen/Getty Images

by DAN RIEHL12 Feb 2016Washington, DC

GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson discussed the overwhelming level of support for the Democrat Party among Black Americans during an interview on Breitbart News Daily interview with host Stephen K. Bannon.

Carson says that relationship, “has yielded more poverty and broken homes and crime and incarceration and it’s completely unnecessary.”

“We need to talk about the effects of out of wedlock birth. How that stops that woman’s education and sends that child into poverty,” he later added.

He also cited how not having a father figure has a deleterious effect on young black man coming up, “so that they don’t have a good appreciation of how to react to authority, which leads to a lot of death, which leads to a lot of incarceration.” He also discussed education and “how you can create your own pathway to success” as not having been emphasized enough within the Black community.

Carson also mentioned faith.

Throwing away faith and family are deleterious to any community and it’s extra devastating on the Black community. And I believe that many people who are trying to cultivate their votes know that and are intentionally destroying those pillars of strength to keep people in a dependent position.

When asked about the harshness of that charge, said Carson, “Well, you look at some of these welfare programs that reward people for having babies out of wedlock …that penalize people who have a family structure. There’s a prime example.”

“In the Black community in this country, there is over $1 trillion in assets. There are less than ten countries in the world that have a trillion dollar GDP. Learn how to turn your own dollars over in your own community a couple times before you send them out to create wealth. Reach back, pull other people up with you – you don’t have to be dependent on anybody else,” he added.

Carson encouraged people to review the policies on his website and insisted that he believes he’ll be competitive in South Carolina and is still in the race to win. The Breitbart News daily interview can be heard below.

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