Monday, January 25, 2016

Poll: Donald Trump Gained 15 Points on Ted Cruz in Iowa in Two Weeks – The Washington Post

Joshua Lott/Getty Images

by BREITBART NEWS24 Jan 20161,874

Phillip Bump writes in the Washington Post:

Earlier this month, Fox News released a pollshowing Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) leading Donald Trump by four points. The two had a sizable lead over everyone else in the state, and the poll was confirming what others were showing: Cruz had an advantage.

On Sunday, Fox released another Iowa poll, with substantially different results. Now, Trump is up by 11 points, a 15-point swing in the two weeks between surveys. This poll, too, mirrors the recent trend: Trump has regained the advantage.

It’s still a surprising development. Trump’s gained a lot, across the board, while most of his competitors have slipped. Cruz is still over-performing with conservatives and tea partiers (meaning that his support among those groups is 11 and seven points higher than his overall support), but Trump gained 11 and 17 points with those groups over the past two weeks. Cruz’s support among the groups fell.


Two weeks ago, the percentage of respondents saying they would “definitely” go out and caucus on Feb. 1 was 59 percent. In this new poll, that dropped to 54 percent, meaning a 10-point swing toward those who would say they will “probably” go to the caucus. Two weeks ago, Trump trailed Cruz by six points among those who would probably vote. Now he leads with that group by 15 — more than his overall lead against Cruz.


Again, Trump’s gains are across the board, but he’s doing much better with a group of voters that seems less likely to vote. He could certainly win Iowa by an 11-point margin, but that depends on his people turning out — and on his having an operation to encourage them to do so (which the New York Timesreports he doesn’t). In other words, if the election were held tomorrow, the actual results would probably be somewhere in between these two polls, with Trump not doing as well against Cruz as it may appear.

You can read the rest of the story here.

Read More Stories About:

Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Donald TrumpIowaSen. Ted CruzIowa Caucuses

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