Thursday, January 7, 2016


More Resources for Gun Control

We are at war with Islamic extremists, and Obama cannot even bring himself to use terrorist and Islam in the same sentence. Nevertheless, ISIS and other Islamic groups have called for the the destruction of Israel, American and the West unless they convert to Islam. Obama has been absolutely miserly in providing resources to destroy this enemy of America, and insistent that bombing runs drop warning leaflets on ISIS targets before unleashing actual bombs sufficient to turn the tide.

He was wrong, and ISIS is actually gaining strength, or at least was until Russia entered the fray. With the risk so great, and the American people so insistent that this is the number one issue he must address, Obama instead has decided that he will invite tens of thousands of Muslims to come live in the United States, even though the immigration department has clearly indicated that they cannot properly vet the huge number of migrants to ensure they are not agents of ISIS. It is incomprehensible unless you decide that his true goal is the destruction of America.

And now Obama has indicated that gun control is much more important than keeping Americans safe from terrorism. He has shown that by the resources he is willing to dedicate to gun control in comparison to the bigger issue of terrorism.

President Obama plans to build a new gun control force of 430 agents, more than eight times the size of the team of commandos he is sending to the Middle East to hunt down and destroy ISIS terrorists.

According to a White House fact sheet, the president plans to deploy 200 more Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,Firearms and Explosives agents “to help enforce our gun laws.”

He also plans to add at least 230 new FBI agents to pour over the backgrounds of gun buyers. Said the White House: “The FBI will hire more than 230 additional examiners and other staff to help process these background checks.”

In Iraq, by comparison, the White House is moving to install an estimated 50-200 special operations forces to take down ISIS.

An Associated Press report said the commandos would number around 50, with the rest in supporting roles.

This is wrong on so many levels it is hard to comprehend. Even liberal media outlets have indicated that the proposals made by Obama yesterday would have done little or nothing to quell the gun violence that has been committed in the last several years. The proposals are simply an attack on the ability of law-abiding citizens to purchase a gun and defend themselves without undue intrusion from the government.

The proposals also raise serious issues of government ability to come into an individuals home without a warrant or other protections afforded by the Constitution. The biggest question of all is why Obama is so determined to go against the will of the people and to violate so many laws in order to force his will. And that gets back to priorities.

Given that the new executive order will anger much of the nation, will violate so many laws, and will do nothing to take guns out of the hands of criminals or quell violence, why is gun prohibition or confiscation so high on Obama’s priority list? That is the larger question regarding this lawless and imperial president, and the possible answers so dark and dispiriting.


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