Thursday, January 7, 2016


The Federal government has been seeking to expandit’s power for years, and President Obama has insisted that because he was a professor of Constitutional law he somehow is more equipped and capable to teach us how this country should run and why we must obey whatever he says.

He therefore jammed Obamacare through Congress with not one Republican supporter, and then somehow conned the Supreme Court into affirming that U.S. citizens MUST purchase insurance or be fined. This is typical of the lawless Obamaadministration, and we have truly become a banana republic, though that is not how the Constitution is written.

See the excellent video on page 2 regarding Constitutional limitations that are being violated.

There is a new rebellion happening in Oregon and it has to do with ownership of property and exercise of power. The Federalgovernments seems to think that the citizens only own property leave of the government, and in essence that is true.

If a person buys a piece of property and pays property taxes on it,  that is a form of rent paid to the government, and the government can seize that property and push the rightful owner off of that land if the taxes are not paid. How then does someone own a piece of property if the government can demand rent and evict if that rent or tax is not paid?  It is stunning when seen this  in the broad context, and true students of the Consititution will recognize the con that we have all bought in to.

The latest land and power battle is over father and son ranchers in Oregon by the name of Hammond who are going to jail on an arson charge this week. In 2002 and 2006, these ranchers decided to clear some brush and overgrowth on their ranch landby conducting a controlled burn, a very common activity in large areas such as their ranch in Oregon. The fire accidentally spread onto federal lands but was put out by the ranchers without any help from the feds. However, the Federalgovernment still charged the ranchers with arson and are determined to jail them for 5 years each. Incidentally, the Federal land is flourishing, is now less of a wild fire hazard, and no properties were damaged in the incident.

The Constitutional attorney in the following video cites the Hammond case, but then goes on to instruct us on why it is only a small part of the huge overreach of the Federal government, as shown by the Constitutional limitations that the Federalgovernment has been ignoring.

Oregon Case is Tip of the Ice Berg

The following video should be seen by every person who is concerned with the power of the federal government in each of our lives. It clearly shows that we are being swamped by policies, procedures, and actions that are clearly unconstitutional, and that our way of government, as established by the founding fathers, is slipping away.

This video should be shown to every high school civics class in the nation. Unfortunately, the schools are now under the federal Department of Education, so you can bet it will be the last thing the kids are shown. But it is a clarion call to help educate us regarding the reach of the Federal government.

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