Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Bernie Sanders Leads Hillary by 27 Points in New Hampshire

The Associated Press

by PATRICK HOWLEY19 Jan 2016148

Insurgent Democratic candidateSen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has opened up a 27-point lead over Hillary Clinton in the state of New Hampshire, which will hold the nation’s first primary contest on February 9.

Sanders has a 60 percent to 33 percent lead over Clinton in the Granite State, according to a CNN/WMUR poll released late in the day Tuesday.

Only 13 percent of likely Democratic voters in the poll said that foreign policy and national security were atop their priorities, in terms of issues in the race.

The poll was conducted between January 13 and January 18 and has a margin of error of 4.8 percent, a much smaller margin than Sanders’ lead. Both Sanders and Donald Trump have shown a considerable advantage over Clinton when it comes to white voters, blue-collar and college-educated alike.

Sanders scored big in Sunday night’s Democratic debate against Clinton, mostly with his jabs at her Wall Street ties.

“I have doubts when people receive huge amounts of money from Wall Street,” Sanders said in the debate.

“The leader of Goldman Sachs is a billionaire,” who advocates that Congress cuts Social Security, Sanders said, adding, “Secretary Clinton…you’ve received over $600,000 in speaking fees from Goldman Sachs in one year,” even though the firm paid fines for illegal behavior.

“Not one of their executives is prosecuted, while kids who smoke marijuana get a jail sentence,” he said.

As Breitbart News has reported, Clinton’s son-in-law helped his buddy at Goldman Sachs get a favor-request sent to Clinton at the State Department on behalf of a Goldman client.

Read More Stories About:

Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Hillary ClintonBernie Sanders

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