Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Trump Wins ‘Lie of the Year’ For Exposing DC Media’s Muslim, Immigrant Crime Cover-Up

The Associated Press

by JOHN NOLTE21 Dec 20151,783

The DC Media is furious at Republican frontrunner Donald Trump for pushing two vitally important national issues that this very same media has been covering up for years — American Muslims celebrating 9/11 and the horrific crimes committed by illegal immigrants. In fact, although Trump has been vindicated on both accounts, the DC Media is so desperate to distract from this exposure, the serial-liars at PolitiFact have laughably awarded Trump “Lie of the Year.”

To validate the “Lie of the Year” award, PolitiFact cites Trump’s claim that, “I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down.” Second on the list is “The Mexican government … they send the bad ones over.” The third and final “lie” is a tweet Trump re-tweeted about crime statistics.

Trump’s comments about Muslim celebrations and his criticism of Mexican illegals blew open  the door on truths the DC Media has, for partisan political reasons, kept covered up for years.

The DC Media can use “Lie of the Year” all it wants to try and paper over the fact that they have been caught in an industry-wide cover-up. Nothing, though, changes the fact that for the first time Americans now know that a troubling number of Muslims did celebrate on 9/11 and that there is an illegal immigrant crime wave.


Follow John Nolte on Twitter@NolteNC               

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