Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Movement to Primary Speaker Paul Ryan Out of Congress Picks Up Steam

Jim Hoft Dec 19th, 2015 8:13 am Leave a Comment

We Were Warned–
Harry Reid threw his support behind Paul Ryan for Speaker back in October.

In July 2013 Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) spoke with a Hispanic audience about his intention to push immigration reform in the House of Representatives.

In October 2013 Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)wrote a bill that would grant citizenship to at least 11 million illegal immigrants.

Ryan was elected Speaker of the House in October.

On Thursday Speaker Ryan passed a trillion dollar budget deal that was widely praised by Barack Obama and Democratic leaders.
They got everything they wanted.

After Republicans passed this budget Rush Limbaugh posed the question: Tell Me How the Budget Deal Would Be Worse If Democrats Ran Congress
It wouldn’t.

Now there is a movement under way to primary Paul Ryan out of office.

facebook page was set up to primary Paul Ryan from Congress.

The page already has 4,335 likes.

There is also a Fire Paul Ryan webpage set up online.

And now this…
On Friday the Wisconsin Tea Party declared war on Ryan.

Posted by Primary Challenge Paul Ryan on Friday, December 18, 2015

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