Tuesday, November 26, 2013

How to End an Abortion Debate Quickly

Whenever I get into a lengthy discussion or debate with a eugenicist (oops, I mean "pro-choicer") about abortion, eventually we get to the argument that since the mother and father do not want this child, and in most cases will live in poverty, abuse, and/or an orphanage - in other words, a life not worth living, I recommend that you consider asking this question:

Can you describe to me a situation that could happen to you in your life that would cause you to actually commit suicide?

This should not be rhetorical. Make them tell you how bad it would have to get in oder for them to really do it. And I don't mean to describe a situation in which he or she would think about committing suicide, I really mean actually carrying it out.

If the pro-choicer begins to describe a situation, then you have the moral high ground. In fact, I would go as far as saying that the character of your debate opponent is so questionable that you could claim that he or she should have no right to have a say in government policy anyway.

But if they say "No," they cannot describe such a situation, as I believe most will, then you can point out the moral of this exercise:

An innocent life is a gift that should take precedence over any worldly situation that life may be confronted with.

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