Sunday, November 17, 2013

Capitalism Saves and is responsible for American Greatness.


It is one of the greatest gifts God has given America and is completely responsible for American Greatness. Capitalism = Freedom = Responsibility = Happiness. 

    Communism, Socialism, Dictatorships and any other suppressive type of government have been directly and indirectly responsible for well over 100,000,000 million murders, deaths and atrocities beyond comprehension in the last 100 years all during "Peace Time".  Compare that to Zero for American Capitalist.  The more responsible you are for yourself the better Capitalism works.  The less responsible you are for yourself the better communism works. 

Union organizer Andy Stern uses Marxist language to promote his agenda.

Posted by Jay Moody at December 27, 2011
Categories: Political, Philosophy and Theory, Uncategorized, Books
Tags: capitalism Marx Marxism Political socialism communism economics

Violent Revolution

The ultimate goal of Marxism is violent communist revolution.  The first goal of the proletariat is to stage a successful revolution in their own countries, and then unite throughout the world in order to create a communist world order.  Marx explained that the score can only be settled when “that war breaks out into open revolution and where that violent  overthrow or the bourgeoisie lays the foundation for the sway of the proletariat ” (p 77).  To accomplish this, the proletariat must first organize themselves into a class and “wrest all capital, by degrees, from the bourgeoisie,” and “centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state” (p 93, emphasis added).


In order to support and maintain this statism, Marx planned to destroy the family by replacing home education with social education (p 89), and abolishing all personal property and inheritance.  He also planned to abolish countries,  nationality and all “eternal truths,” all religion, and all morality including Freedom and Justice (p 92, emphasis added).  In order to accomplish this goal: “Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things” (p 116).


This is Marxism at its core: class warfare based on the politics of envy.  It looks toward an omnipotent state to manage the affairs of the people.  Marxism’s long-term goal is global communism, and the abolition of national identity.  It is anti-freedom and scoffs at ideas like justice, and  morality.  It views technological advancement as a detriment to society and ignores any concept of personal responsibility for the proletariat. This ideology is covertly and sometimes naively promoted under various liberal pseudonyms, often uncited in order to avoid the stigma of the word “Marxist.”  It is quite possibly the most dangerous philosophy at work in society today, especially for people who value freedom, independence, and justice.
The Communist Manifesto ends with these words: “Working men of all countries unite!”


  1. May God Continue to Bless America.

  2. Please share with your friends and family so we can start to educate and reverse what the communist liberal democrates and professors have done to try and brain wash our children.

  3. Take that stupid Crash Course Capitalism video down! John Green is an Anti-American, Anti-Capitalist, dyed in the wool COMMUNIST through and through!! I've watched all his videos. He's as left as they come!

    1. This guy is relevant in the sense that he puts the argument out on the table and explains Capitalism, Socialism and Communism and tries very hard to make a case that Socialism and Communism are relevant and necessary for Capitalism to be kept in check, however if you listen to the very end you will be able to answer his questions for yourself. He asks if governments should own business like postal service, tsa for example and the FACT is NO they shouldn't and cant do it. Free market out preforms anything and everything by leaps and bounds.. He also forgot to tell the audience how many rapes, murders, death by firing squad, gas chambers, pain and suffering Socialism and Communism have caused, its in the neighborhood of 100 million in the last 100 years alone. Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any government or program in human history a million fold.
