Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gun control advocate would rather their child DIE than be saved

Not all gun control advocates are completely insane. Some of them just have trouble with the complex logic of a dynamic world where many responsible, law abiding citizens are carrying a loaded weapon. But I have found a commenter on a message board whose logic behind her anti-gun stance has crossed over the line of sanity.

The article that provoked such insanity was about the soaring sales of kid-themed body armor backpacks.

A poster, Christopher wrote: "How about we just end the gun free zones and let the teachers be armed if they desire."

A poster named Angelicam responded, "Christopher I don't know what would be more traumic for a small child: watching my teacher and friends be shot or watching my teacher kill someone in front of me. I don't think either is optimal."

I am beside myself reading this comment. Her lack of understanding of the logic she speaks of is astounding. She is worried about the trauma her child will endure if he/she has to watch their teacher kill someone while they watch, but completely ignores the alternative: That her child have to watch the killer MURDER all their friends and teacher, or the more likely scenario - that her child DIES!! Angelicam literally is admitting she'd rather her child die than have to live with the trauma of watching their brave, well trained teacher defend him or her.

These are the sick twisted wackos we are dealing with.

1 comment:

  1. In Israel all teachers carry loaded weapons and you wont hear of anything like this. There were 2 million hunters in the woods around the Midwest and not a single one was killed.
