Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Revelations #1: A Misconception of Wealth Redistribution

I read a liberal comment today:

"What about the tax cuts that the GOP is so concerned about keeping for the wealthy. Romney lost because the working American people are tired of the upper economic classes getting the breaks when the people who do the work are always having to scrimp and scrape to get by. The Republicians always oppose what's going to help the average person. That's why Romney lost."

It got me thinking... What does this person think helps the average person? Well first of all it is something Republicans oppose. But digging a little deeper into this comment you'll see that he thinks the average person works harder than the wealthy. He says "people who do the work" are tired of breaks for the upper class, as if the upper class folks don't even work. Apparently the rich do nothing except vacation, golf and dine in fancy restaurants. Is this correct? Have you ever met a business owner? Can you even imagine the hours they work?

He also reveals his belief that tax cuts are some sort of a gift from the government to a recipient, in this case the wealthy. In fact, a big problem Republicans have is that liberals have successfully ingrained into the public that the word "CUT" in tax cuts is a NOUN while the naive Republicans still think its a VERB. In the public's mind, they didn't cut taxes, they handed out a cut of taxes, much like a cut of prime rib, or a slice of pie. By now you should know that the government doesn't create the wealth that they are handing out like desert. They have to take it from someone to redistribute, and quite frankly, I think this is the very definition of the socialism that leads directly to communism. But I digress...

So, what does this commenter think helps the average person? While most sane people think that this poster thinks that the average person just needs more money to make ends meet and live a little lit less stressed life, I believe this assumption is wrong. This commenter has shown his hand. It's not just the financial gap between the Haves and the Have-Nots.  It's also the perceived gap in the amount of labor performed!

So in conclusion, this poster has inadvertently revealed a subconscious goal that I would argue that most socialists share - to help the average person (i.e. "worker") by giving him or her a large enough "cut" of government money in order to close the perceived gap in the amount of work being done by the rich and the rest of us. In other words, they want to get paid to sit on their asses.

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