Monday, November 12, 2012

Obama Log #1: "Fiscal Cliff Looming?"

This will be my first of many (possibly thousands) of short posts on where I will log events, facts and news reports that support my theories of Barack Obama being a horrible choice for president, especially when you consider Mitt Romney was our alternative.

Today's topic is "The Fiscal Cliff"

Forbes does a good enough job explaining what exactly the fiscal cliff is in their article in this link, but what leaves me scratching my head is this simple question: If this problem is so important just days after the presidential election that both FoxNews and MSNBC have the topic dominating their coverage then why was this issue never brought up during the campaign season? Were they so distracted that they are just now thinking of this? Experts all agree that the fiscal cliff is going to directly effect the American economy, so why then in a presidential campaign that seemed to revolve around the phrase, "It's the economy, stupid!" did this suddenly-so-important topic get left out?

Some may argue that all those people most concerned with the economy were certain that Romney was going to win, and a President Romney would have fixed problems like this, just as he fixed budget problems in both the state of Massachusetts and the Olympics in 2004, Salt Lake City. But he is not, and will not be our fiscal savior, so all of the sudden this has become a major issue. Well that's just pathetic. It should have been part of our choice on election day - a vote for Obama is a vote for sending America off a cliff. It was withheld from the voters. We were no more informed in 2012 than we were when we voted for the stranger nobody knew about in 2008.

So for this first Obama Log, I would like to sum up by sarcastically saying thank you to all the Obama voters for putting us in this crisis. Because we all know good and well that an election of the successful businessman and former successful governor of Massachusetts would not have resulted in the domination of a "Fiscal Cliff" in the headlines. So if the "fiscal cliff" is such an important issue then why didn't you just cut out the middle man and support Romney for president?

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